Asmongold Ranks ALL World of Warcraft Bosses | Tier List

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Asmongold rates every boss and every villain in World of Warcraft from best to worst on The Ultimate Warcraft Villain Tier List!

0:00 Al’akir, The Windlord
0:48 Lady Priscilla Ashvane
1:27 Queen Azshara
2:20 Thassarian
2:53 G’huun, The Blood God
4:51 Mal’Ganis
5:33 Xavius
6:18 C’Thun
7:12 Lord Stormsong
7:26 Kel’Thuzad
9:08 Blackhand
9:56 Edwin VanCleef
11:16 Illidan Stormrage
12:24 Kargath Bladefist
13:19 Medivh
13:39 Sargeras
14:41 Sylvanas Windrunner
16:13 Garrosh Hellscream
17:48 Sally Whitemane
18:43 Yogg’Saron
19:40 Nefarian, Son of Deathwing
20:41 Malygos
22:12 Zul’jin
23:06 Gorak Tul
24:20 Archimonde
26:15 Varimathras
28:00 Lord Kazzak
28:23 Stitches
29:04 Kil’jaeden
30:09 Arugal
30:54 Baron Rivendare
31:25 Cho’Gal
33:17 Deathwing, The Destroyer
35:01 Ragnaros, The Firelord
35:43 Garona Halforcen
36:12 Gul’dan
37:30 Hakkar, The Soulflayer
37:59 Helya
40:08 Prince Kael’Thas
41:09 Magtheridon, Lord of Outland
42:34 Mannoroth
43:11 Arthas, The Lich King
43:53 Mythrax, The Unraveler
44:06 N’Zoth
45:15 Onyxia
45:39 Prophet Zul
46:07 Lei Shen, The Thunder King
47:16 Mekgineer Thermaplugg
48:01 Tichondrius
48:36 Y’Shaarj
49:15 Ner’Zhul

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Azshara on the thumbnail by Hikaru Yagi.
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38 thoughts on “Asmongold Ranks ALL World of Warcraft Bosses | Tier List”

  1. Garrosh did many things wrong HE DID bomb Theramore and the only reason Jaina did not Die is because she was told to GTFO and it killed 1000s! He told the rest of the members of the horde to go fuck themselves, because they did not like him! He corrupted the Vail of Eternal Blossom's and took and ate the heart of an old god AND HE WAS NOT CORRUPTED INTO DOING IT HE DID IT WILLINGLY! He tried to take the bell of Harmony to awaken Yasaraji until Anduin said nah brah and he should have killed him as well. He acts like an immature teenager.

  2. You know you succeeded in character creation, when the top 5 in the S tier list is nearly undebatable. I can't think of a person that i know that played warcraft games and actually digged into the lore, and not pick the same 5 characters as the top villains of warcraft.

    In addition, the fact that you added van cleef in the S tier list elevates the quality of this list to another level.

  3. Edwin VanCleef is one of the best villains i've read based on the lore. Apart from the three eredars promised power and arthras and the lich king.

    Edwin's story was such a great story in a timeline where the alliance was screwed unless they had a massive effort rebuilding stormwind. Who ever wrote the story for Edwin did an outstanding job and I'd like to think they focus more on these stories and characters that have good plot behind them in their history. Dragonflight seems to be doing well there with the story at least which is a difference from shadowlands.

  4. Screw you, Asmongold. You don’t know sh!t about Thermaplugg lore, he is actually main nemesis of gnomes and he has some backstory of how he conquered Gnomeregan. And yet you blindly put him in D. What a stupid childish hate towards gnomes is that, I genuinely don’t get that? I was expecting some good analysis, but got this clownery, and some people take you seriously

  5. Ner'zhul remains to this day as one of the biggest examples of how to waste an awesome character.
    The guy used to be one of the franchises main villains, and is to this day the only villain who "won" 2 times in a row. Both WC2 and WC3 ended with Ner'zhul getting what he wanted. And then, from WotLK onward, Blizz just constantly shafted the guy, bc Arthas became the most popular character and they wanted to push that idea.


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