Asmongold Reacts to "Bolvar Fordragon: WoW's Savior or Total Wimp?!" | By Platinum WoW

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Asmongold watches a video by Platinum WoW, who explains the story behind one of the most important character in the upcoming Shadowlands expansion, from Vanilla/Classic WoW to Wrath of the Lich King becoming the Lich King and the present day becoming a Bit#!, Bolvar has sure went through a LOT…

Original Video [Warcraft’s SAVIOR or Total WIMP?! – Bolvar Fordragon]:

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► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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23 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to "Bolvar Fordragon: WoW's Savior or Total Wimp?!" | By Platinum WoW”

  1. Need a new moba? Miss paragon?! Fear no more…
    Fault is in a really good spot right now getting hot fixes as soon as a problem arises.

    Just need to grow our community a bit. It plays a bit more like Monolith than Legacy if your familiar with OG Paragon.
    If you prefer less build diversity and slightly less bloated kits check our predessor or Overprime. They are all doing their own version of paragon.

    Fault is the monolith version so you will have more item actives and items that change your overall playstyle… Wanna turn a support into a carry… they have a item for that. Wanna change your Tank or mage into a support they have an item for that.. wanna just be a fucking monster that rapes everyone they have an item for that. Items are limited though game is still in Paid Early Access .

    But if your bored need a new moba to learn this is the time to do it.. cause if you play during the EA before it goes full release and free to play.. you will get seasonal rewards like limited edition skins and more….

    Fault already has a sony deal too its coming to consoles once it gets more polished. Id assume a year or two before consoles get a port.
    Come join what a real 3rd person moba is about where cc is king and you dont put two dumb asses in a lane against two other dumb asses. Instead.. they play the map the right way.
    You put your tank in offlane "aka solo lane" which is against the enemy duo lane smite still has trouble learning how to do this and ward gold furry so you can gank it.

    Help Grow The Paragon Reboot! And if thats not your cup of tea, check out Ethereal Clash of Souls… another upcoming moba that is like battlefield and paragon had a baby… you can destroy terrain take down walls… reduce structures to dust…. Join the 3rd person moba crowd leave top down in the past!

  2. 13:05 : The reason why Death Knights don't just go to Paladins and be like " Ye we need his body, can we please come and get it? "
    Is because Death Knights are literally machines based on 1 Goal. If the Lich king/Deathlord commands a Death Knight of Acherus to retrieve said corpse, they will do it regardless of the consequences, because that's how a Death Knight was created in the first place. Cold, remoseless, no mercy just pretty much all the negative emotions put into this overpowered sack of meat and bones with crazy abbilities. Just absolutely ruthless giving no care for the innocents. In fact they don't have much of a choice either, if they don't fight/kill they will lose their minds and just go crazy. Death Knights NEED to be in battle most of the time.

    Some Death Knights like Thassarian have more control over their thoughts and such but since YOU as the player back then are the Death Lord you pretty much did what was commanded.

    I think it completely makes sense to the Lore and it showed that Death Knights aren't the "good guys" but more of a Neutral killing machine that acts on a single purpose without having any regard of anything or anyone.

  3. I mean adding bovar at the last second is still better than Bethesdas explanation for stuff like that being haha dragon break bro a dragon break is a split in the timeline justifying continuity breaks but I do like that they heavily use unreliable narrator

  4. Why do people hate Sylvannas being able to become strong the jailer is a titan++. He should be able to make a mouse beat the lich king even more so when the helm of domination is his own power… We are fighting a strong knight who has been nearly killed by the blight then burned to a crisp and then tortured and then not fought anyone. It is weird he can even fight and is probably solely due to the helms powers. He is weak and Sylvannas is not+she kinda killed millions for that level of power so the jailer did not give it for no reason he was sorta paying a tax to her for the people she killed.


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