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BlizzCon 2023, Chris Metzen Announces the 3 next WoW Expansions, the World Soul Saga
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Time to come back, I'm getting excited👏
Will they beat GTA 6? no idea.
Blizzard fans may be the biggest consoomers, it's unreal.
Who is here after Carbot animation?
The new wow is the same wow want something new ? Change game
Insane WoW is still going on….. Does anyone even care about the lore or story anymore? Or is it just mindless grinding to just do something.
I dont even play WoW and this dude makes me want to
Who cares as long as still as the WoW coin?!
Who cares as long as they still have the WoW token?! 😂
Wow exspansion before GTA6
mark my words , wow will have less than half what players it has now before these expansions end if it doesnt remove sub to play mode
Chris is the best
How epic? REAL EPIC
You guys are really dense. So instead of buying 1 expansion now we can split the "large content" into 3 so you can pay 3 times for the same expansion. Yall dumb af.
cash grab compagny , all the nerds are gonna find out soon
3 jpegs pog
Whats the guy in the audience shouting ??
everything about these expansions are generic.
More sexy elves pls
This is the first time since Legion I'm actually somewhat hyped for a new wow expansion, good to see Metzen back, got some copium from him, especially with the microsoft owning blizzard news, them being somewhat "independent" again (hope that's true). Even tho I fully quit wow after shadowlands (or so I thought) I'm gonna give it another chance, but this is the last one.
Another bullshit spreader from Blizzard.
Titans are the bad guys trying to steal Azeroths power. Calling it now. Sargeras did nothing wrong!
so the next expansion is actually called worldsoul and they split it into 3 parts to act like they have alot more than they do
I love how Metzen goes into the Thrall voice more and more as he speaks.
Thrall is giving s speech
Wows revival. I’m ready to return.
Who is this guy again?
This guy was an orc commander in a previous life.
Yea but 8 dungeons new raid and 4 new zones is getting so old. Where is the innovation and creativity in this game
The "we dont have good ideas" saga.