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THE FIRST EXPANSION DELAYED IN 10 YEARS! Asmongold watches Preach reaction to the Shadowlands delay announcement and pre-patch date, nobody believed Blizzard could push off the game release but they actually did it!…
Original Video (Shadowlands Delayed – Why Now?):
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Your take on Fortnite is spot on, it is also the reason why Apex Legends exploded out of nowhere. People want a more realistic Battle Royale and it just doesn't exist but they are great alternatives to the shit pile of PUBG.
WoW addict alert @3:03 .. it's ok mate, life moves on, just let the dated game go and find something new. I hear they have this cool game called Pog, and PacMan might be up and coming…
Side note, these AholeTV vids, they're always DOUBLE the length of the reactionary video … isn't that peculiar…..
EZ ?
18:35 I felt personally attacked.
Lets fire 800 more ppl . /s. Garbage ass company
Bugs dmg broken systems is not why it was delayed. Historically blizzard has released xpacs with all those things before. The real reason which in my mind is 100% indisputably the reasons why is because of what Mike Morhamie did a weak before. Called out blizzard indirectly, by saying they release bad products just for the sake of releasing bad products.
On sept 23 he came out with the announcement and the comments that were obvious shade being thrown at blizzard without actually being direct.
On Oct 1 shadowlands is delayed
In the next few days after the Morhamie statements meetings at blizzard took place and basically it boiled down to go on with the release and do exactly what Morhamie called them out for doing or delay it and try and release something like what they haven't don't in years a good game
I don't want a broken game for 60 euros.
Delay the game for next year if needed
and have more people test the game.
I am sorry for my English
Preach needs to calm down, or at least check forums before crying about an issue.
There's literally a blue post at the top of the covenant feedback in the WoW forums, stating that covenant ability tuning is currently underway.
He's right, it's absolutely not fair or fun that things are this unbalanced at the moment. But he should really check this.
I like how preach said "fucking" but censored "asshole" lmao
Like the only thing asmongold has any worthwhile insight on is WoW and Blizzard when he tries to talk about other stuff he sounds just as knowledgeable about trade chat.
I love the evil looking Ian thumbnails
i like how they add layers upon layers of systems but removed badge pve/pvp vendors and stats like armor pen cause they were too "complicated"
I am sure Shadowlands will be live before December! ….I mean 2021
The spec balance argument is bullshit – spec auras are how that tuning is done and blizzard haven't touched them yet. They can straight up buff a spec by 20% or nerf a spec by 25% as they need to. Spec balance is the easiest and last step. The balance that needs to be done first is the internal spec balance and the covenant balance. Covenant abilities doing 27% or 9% of your dps based on covenant or spec is a big problem.
From vanilla to now: my opinion is that blizzard introduced and forced to many subsystem mechanics and I feel that's the main reason for player disinterest.
If looking at classic (or vanilla) part of logging into the game was the unknown.
Base stats were the stats and gear we went for. Then blizzard added +hit, gemming, enchantments. Okay.
Then blizzard added +mastery
Then blizzard added +versatility, heart of azeroth enhancements, legendaries, etc.
Note: this is a simplified post and there are other stat considerations; but my point is that it feels less about the WoW world than it does about burning people out forno reason other blizzard design.
I miss the old days when it was fun to pve and pvp and having fun with the story along the way.
They released classic and honestly that through TBC I would take any day over this nonsense.
That's just my opinion.
They have no idea, they nerf tank survivability and damage but then the same tanks that have been gods arent getting touched
why does blizzard need beta testers but FF14 stomps out the majority of its bug with an in house QA team?
This list looks like they hired a whole new set of devs who THOUGHT they'd get no trouble making a patch for 15yo code. 😀
WHY doesn't this work? 2 + 3 = 5… somewhere deep within the code something like if A = 2 then +B is actually a +1 until C has been 10.
You'd think no one would be so insane, then you haven't seen old code. And don't you dare fix this. You'll break something in a really really really bad way.
New Dev: /Fix /push -f
This delay couldn’t be more perfect. So I can finish renos, and build a gaming setup before this happens
wowza, im all for the delay, it has to happen but my goodness looking at that list where gonna need another raid tier in bfa before this comes out
Why doesn't blizzard just have an ope. Beta to appease the masses for a delay. Yeah I get there would be stress on the servers and randoms who don't understand bug reports and other stuff yada yada yada.
I think it could help. Maybe I'm wrong.
Im looking at the graphs preac posted trying to decide what to play in shadowlands.
Whatever blizzard say, its the opposite, people want to optimize and noone wants to play the bottom tier of the exp because its not fun.
A game that was hyped and bad at launch!!! Anthem helloooooo😭😭
"We love Blizzard but we're still customers!" No, they're corporate simps.
Only by the thought, they will balance the dmg between the classes makes me play wow again!!!
All those people testing this game for free for Blizzard?….not all of them are doing their own channel from ytube, so all that frustration for broken game
Ion Halitosis needs to quit or be fired, he continues to fail…
Asmongold reacts to Preach reacts to Blizzard reacts to Player feedback
World of Warcraft Refundlands
This is what happens when your coders live overseas and barely speak English.