Asmongold Shadowlands Afterlives: BASTION Reaction & Release Date Trailer

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Asmongold reacts to the latest Animated Short “Shadowlands Afterlives Bastion”. As in tradition with all the latest WoW expansion releases a new prequel animated/cinematic series has been made for Shadowlands, enjoy Asmongold’s reaction to the first Shadowlands Afterlives Trailer: Bastion, featuring Uther and the former Lich King Arthas..

Original Video (Shadowlands Afterlives: Bastion):

(Shadowlands: Official Release Date Trailer)

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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold

► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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30 thoughts on “Asmongold Shadowlands Afterlives: BASTION Reaction & Release Date Trailer”

  1. "He was my student"

    He was much, MUCH more then his student

    He was his prince.

    He was his comrade in arms.

    He was his friend.

    Bizarre that they retconned Uther's soul going into Frostmourne to do this. Seems like such a waste.

  2. 3:18 he should’ve been put in maldraxxus

    Maldraxxus is more fitting than myriad arguably

    I wonder if he watched the maldraxxus trailer if he thinks it’s inappropriate for paladin

    (As venthyr you are in charge of giving penance to sinful souls / repentance)

  3. Lmao it is so gross how many people, including Asmongold seem to think that Arthas didn't deserve to be thrown in the Maw. He CHOSE to pick up Frostmourne after all the other questionable shit he did. He CHOSE to sell his soul. He KNEW that was a bad choice. But somehow in his dumb dummy brain that made sense. Why? Because he didn't REALLY care about his people. It was about vengeance for what Mal'ganis made him do. He had no reason to believe that killing Mal'ganis was going to save his people. NONE.

    Did Uther really help things? Fuck no. But he didn't deserve to die for just not being there. Even if he had been there, there's no guarantee he would have been able to stop what happened. It was not Uther's fault lol.

  4. Uther(before he dies): i dearly hope that their is a special place in hell waiting for you arthas

    Arthas: we may never know i intend to live forever

    Uther (now an ascended) :
    What was it you said before?


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