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The Beta for WoW’s next expansion has been released, a ton of new content and features to check out for Asmongold, in particular the Covenants intro questline, the new Legendary system through the runecrafter in Torghast, new Mounts and more…
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Been playing the game since bc and never once recieved a beta invite…
BOOO Craftable Legendaries
Did anyone else hear that Shadow lands is gonna be free along with changing your characters gender?
Meh, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…………
100% fuck the player. 1000000hours spent on micro management. Alts unplayable unless u focus them for a month of 24/7 to catch up. All we wanted.
how can i get the invitation to beta??
nice prof pic so funny how do u do it
Lol. This Expansion will be a major flop.
I miss the days when having a Legendary actually MEANT SOMETHING. If you saw someone with the Blades of Azzinoth, or even Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest… you knew they were a bad ass. They didn't just "craft" or "quest" their legendary. It meant their guild valued them enough, to put in the work to get that for them. The lack of feeling a sense of accomplishment for your time invested in the game, is what keeps me away from WoW in the last few years.
The legendaries don't feel so legendary any more. Crafting one or having one drop felt like "holy shit, this is awesome" and felt like it had weight, either from the journey you took to get it or the lore behind it. Look back honestly, after MoP, it just feels like "here is your t-shirt, thanks for coming, enjoy!". Then again I am a terribad casual so ehh.
You're making me want to play again after about a year. When you hit him for 45K and he only went down by 35K is that not just his armor absorbing 10K ?
remember where you where killed by a GM when you where using shaman gaze or something you so this place
Every e-celeb on every WOW expansion:
Week 1: oh wow dude, so cool, so hyped.
Week 2: It is the best expansion they released since wow was a thing.
Week 12: I hate this and that system, the game looks like a facebook lootbox simulators.
Week 16: Enough with this garbage gear system, unsub.
Week 17: Why i'm quiting WOW.
Year 1: oh wow dude, so cool, so hyped.
They are doing it since Lich King.
God damn Mcconnell is so fucking annoying. why is he a part of the stream? what a fuckin dumbass
Ahahahaha they tryna copy gw2 with legendaries to bad they look like shit garbage compared to gw2 legendaries
That banner is kinda copied from PoE xD
is there any actual world of warcraft anymore? just seems like a series of rooms and interface panels
@AsmongoldTV you are funny, comical and animated. Keep it up.
Wait a minute.. That is beta status? 😑
Who the fuck is still playing this game? Maybe some fucking losers…
Remember when legendaries used to be feared and respected? Requiring you to care about your character and EARN your legendary?
Yea, me neither
Again with the shitty mission system that was introduced in WoD , shitty "crafting" with legendary item traits from BFA , what in the fuck Blizzard. Stop making your ONLY proper game a casual shitshow.
all hail amonbald, defender of baldraxxus
:/ I don’t think I got beta. Stupid ass blizzard
This game died in 2010
duuuude that vote killed me hahahahahahaha
fucking blizzard dude…
please i want all the abbilities to be sick and crazy its the most fun that way
Sorry to be Negative Andy here but am I the only person who genuinely thinks that Shadowlands looks absolutely awful?
A Legendary is not a legendary if everyone has one and everyone can craft one.
Did McCuck really just say that the runecarver created the helm of domination?
The nathrezim crafted that 🙁
What the hell that healm.. Nooooooooooo DUUDEEEEEEE hahaha
Shadowlands looks like absolute dogshit.
World of Systemcraft
You fcktards are playing this shit and still haven't learned the way things are. All these op new shit will be nerfed to dust and at the end of the day it won't matter wich one you chose because all of them will be like cosmetics with a little damage or defense here and there every 5 min or so.
STFU Spiders rule <3
Oh boy I'm happy that I play wotlk private servers 😂
so the necrolord class ability is just enhanced mocking banner if im thinking of the right banner
this GAME LOOKS terrible now way to much shit going on. FUCKING TRASH ASMON YOU KNOW IT GO BACK TO CLASSIC
The executive order was perfect. Cheers!
I've dealt with scaling for many years in games, and still never liked when It says I do 200 damage and a literal flower doesn't die
Oh geeze rextroy will have a field day with Shadowlands shit seems so beyond a joke lolll