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In this soft spoken ASMR video I will be exploring the city of Suramar in World of Warcraft, this city is from the expansion Legion and was-still is- one of my favorite cities in current World of Warcraft.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas together with your loved ones, thank you for all the support 💕
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Have to say my favorite zone is the Darkmoon Island. I just love the semi creepy carnival aesthetic. Also the music you hear on the carousel is one of my favorite in-game soundtracks
Fav city is probably Dalaran because of the nostalgia 😍
My favorite areas in WoW are probably Jade Forest on Pandaria and Vashj'ir. I love a lot of other places as well, of course, but if I had to pick two, those would be my choices. It really is a shame that so much time, work, and love goes into making these environments, they're used for 2 years in an expansion, and then they're all but abandoned. At this point, I really wish they'd put the endless endgame content grind on the back burner for a while and touch up the old world. Not only graphically, but also add new things to do. Now is a better time than ever, since they just had a time skip with Dragonflight. That's a whole hell of a lot of work though, so unfortunately, I doubt it'll happen any time soon.
21:45 any ones you’d recommend?
what a trash 😀
Another amazing video, Erudwen! I absolutely love this style of video. I always learn something new. I had no idea Suramar had a zoo, and I played during Legion. Also your voice is just amazing. Can't wait to see what new content you make in future.
I never get tired of Silvermoon’s aesthetics, just wish they fixed it up since bc and allowed flying. Even weirder, I loved the goblin area in orgrimmar before the new allied race faction hub was planted in it
That was a amazing video Erudwen, thanks for it o/
About the content that you're planning, I'm very excited for them.
Happy new year for you and your family !!!
Happy New year!
Will u do Nazjatar too maybe? It’s such a gorgeous zone to explore 🌝
Hello from Brazil 🙏
Excelent ví
Why isnt Suramar a Horde city by now?..
My favorite city in WoW! I'm Alliance, but Nightborne are my favorite race. Great and cozy video
Suramar is literally 1 of my favourite places and this video is fantastic! Thank you 🙏🏻
I can see the appeal but I never stopped for this perspective. To me, this was just another questing area. I could never relax here in the way you do, because of all the hostiles. That's why Teldrassil, with Darnassus, remains the most immersive place in WoW to me. Nothing beats your first few hours on your first character. I ended up asking a class mate to escort me through Wetlands, where I ended up dying at level 9 or whatever, because I wanted to quest in Westfall. I had seen someone else play there, in Duskwood and Hillsbrad Foothills so I wanted to experience those places. It was an epic journey across the entire world, this was back in 2007 right before TBC launched. The boat got you like 80% of the way in minutes though.
Suramar is the reason I didn't mind how long the nightborne Q line was. The music and city created an amazing atmosphere.
One of the most beautiful cities in gaming history
Warlords of Garrisons is in fact accurate lol
My favourite city in the whole game, have spent so much time here taking screenshots. I always thought it was a shame they didnt add some kind of event to reclaim the city and make it a faction city because it seems like so much effort was put into it and its the one city that actually looks big enough to be a city not like the others that are basically just villages.
Beautiful video, thank you!
favorite zone in WoW for me
they really need to do something similar with such a cool and long questline with such a quest hub
so nice :3