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Hi everyone! In this ASMR video I’ll by customizing my main character in the WoW Shadowlands pre-patch. The video includes up close whispering, ambience and mouse clicking sounds.
I hope you’ll enjoy this video!
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Thank you so much for your love and support ♥
xx Chaeri
Prepatch and asmr?! Let's goooooo!
Nice SJW haircut
Nights elves are the most attractive race in wow. The little hoppity hop the female Nelfs do when they’re standing still for a while is so cute.
Amazing channel! Asmr focussed on gaming and whispering, the best combo! keep up the great work
6:55 that looks super cute what you on about D:
You're really in a niche group with your gaming asmr vids. I can't find anything near as good as this.
I’d like to see you make a ff14 character too
All the new character customization options are so good, i've spend so many hours customizing all my character
But can you make those sailboat ears smaller? Smoking hot night elf breasts? That's a thing in WoW now?
Nixxioms video comes to mind, haha.
isnt WoW like 15 years old? how is 50 the level cap?
Hey Cherry you play Minecraft?
This was exactly what i needed, the games i love + asmr <3
This is the next level of stupid.
love u chaeri <3 ty for the tingles
I have been through all my toons and customised them, it was a lot of fun!
Nice to find your channel
Oh god I didn't realise this was ASMR I just saw the character customization AAAAAAAAAAH NOOOOO
The pretty girls play in the alliance
the Shaggy hair looks so much like yours.
there are only two genders. I knew it
Loving that new logo! so cool! love your videos Chaeri! keep doing your thing!
ben jij nog steeds uit gespeelt
Why are you whispering
this is the wow barber
Player – I want you to do reconstruction surgery on me so I can become a female, also I want you to remove my skin recolour and put it back on.
I didn't know that some asmr youtubers play world of warcraft that's cool
you have more 50s than me lol (i fell behind last xpac)
Oh my God! Mom, I seem to have fallen in love.
You should try dragon age inquisition I think you’d like it
Night-Elf Karen.
Also your expressions during hair customisation is just gold!
It took me several days to customize all 40 characters… I still find myself tweaking them too.
Almost every Night Elves I saw in pre patch is with Sombra or Shaggy hairstyle. These two are the best no doubt.