Assassination Rogue PvP | Shadowlands 9.1 | NEW PATCH, ASSA IS INSANE !

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Hey !

This video features a quick intro in which I go over the 9.1 changes for Assassination Rogue, and then six different Assassination Rogue Discipline games between 2.4 and 2.6 rating. Assassination is looking a lot more enjoyable with the changes, and also a lot more powerful. Perfect !

Thanks for watching !


26 thoughts on “Assassination Rogue PvP | Shadowlands 9.1 | NEW PATCH, ASSA IS INSANE !”

  1. Nice videos as always. What do you think about new covenant legendaries? Do you see potential in them? I really want to go back night fae, but seems like new venthyr legendary could be solid for burst.

  2. Awesome video. This has been helpful.

    I'm rolling NF on my alt so I can play sub and assa. When playing assa, I have to use badge trinket + MA leggo + sepsis + shiv/hemo + + offensive vanish + Envenoms in order to generate pressure. It's so much CD's and set up, and it can all be negated so easily. NF feels okay on sub.

    My main is necro assa, and I feel like I can generate pressure much more easily with just the doomblade leggo. Picked up necrolord with your response from a question I posted on one of your past videos.

    Do you plan on swapping cov? I feel like swapping my alt from NF to venthyr might be the move, but already 40 renown with NF. Would like to know your thoughts!

  3. min 7:46.. and a few other times.. you cheap shot the healer.. while your in combat.. and your meld and or vanish don't show being used.. How can do you do that if you were not in stealth?

  4. Do you have or would you consider making a video or how you set up your UI.. Including the add ons (TMW or weakauras) and for Omnibar what do you consider the essentials for tracking.. sometimes its a bit much and I sure would like your thoughts.


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