Assassination Rogue PvP | Shadowlands S1 | Master Assassin and Shadowmeld is a delicious combination

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Hey !

This video features three Assassination Rogue Discipline Priest games between 2.4 and 2.5 MMR, in which I’m using the legendary Master Assassin. I don’t like using it as a non Night Elf (for Assa) as it requires to sacrifice Vanish alongside Vendetta, but as a Night Elf … You either get to keep Vanish, or you get to have 2x the 100% crit window every two minutes. Simply wonderful !

Thanks for watching !


0:00 Intro

5:48 Games


20 thoughts on “Assassination Rogue PvP | Shadowlands S1 | Master Assassin and Shadowmeld is a delicious combination”

  1. I'd love to see an updated guide for assa pvp after 9.0.5 or at least an update on your thoughts on the covenant changes. Do you think Necrolord is a good one to synergize with the DoT heavy playstyle for Assa?

    Great video, really enjoying your arena games and the insights as well. Keep it up!

  2. A question regarding smoke bomb, you seem to not use it aggressively and im wondering, is that because you wait for an opportunity to present itself to use it? Is it not worth setting up a kidney/smokebomb? , is that a waste?

  3. Great video – your notes as the fight goes on are great! Only suggestion would be to do them as a voice over as well. I’m usually too busy reading and miss the gameplay 😉 a smarter man might pause the video 🤔

  4. does the shadowmeld macro only work in arena? Mine just triggers SM and stealth, but I instantly drop out of stealth. while testing… hmmm. I used to press two buttons (shadowmeld + stealth right after…), macro would be great!


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