Assassination Rogue PvP | Shadowlands S2 | Running people down seems to be a good strategy

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Hey !

This video features 5 Assassination Rogue Discipline Priest games around 2.4 in Shadowlands Season 2. A really fun comp, allowing very agressive plays. it perfectly fits a fast-paced meta. Kill, or be killed !

Thanks for watching !


6 thoughts on “Assassination Rogue PvP | Shadowlands S2 | Running people down seems to be a good strategy”

  1. I'm also play night fae. I play bcs of rbg. But in arena blink sometimes Is so useful to catch or to jump out from battle. So i decided to stay with night fae since not only damage make sense but utility as well

  2. Man can you please give suggestions how to kill war + heal, monk + heal, bm + heal. And double hybrid setups like enchsham rpal, or feral rpal, where they got a ton of self healing. And what you do vs frost mage + rogue?


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