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Hey !
This video features 5 Assassination Rogue Restoration Shaman games between 2.1 and 2.2 in Shadowlands Season 2. This is a very bursty comp when the Shaman plays a full damage build. Very fun, fast games, and actually powerful as the enemy team will have a hard time healing through the damage.
Thanks for watching !
which poision do you think better in 2s? I'm seeing Nesper using deadly poison enable him doubling the dps
Necro for v3
you try condensed anima sphere or shackles pvp trinket?
ok so.. now u have venthyr and NF.. are u gonna stick to Venthyr in 2s?
hey shade, another great vid. have been running ass / r sham since last season and were climbing up to 2100 now! Do you have any thoughts on nightfae vs venthyr for ass rogue this season? Played necro last season but want to be able to hybrid as sub again and find it doesnt fit as well.
Bro What addon do you use to see Cc enemy in cooldown like (blind, vendetta, etc)? And the addon below that?
Do you as a rogue find yourself having issues against hunters at all?
Hello bro, what is better assasing or sub, and my other question, what is better habiliti verthyr or necro? Thanks, good video. 💪
2:34 shaman did more dmg than you, seems absolutly balanced. GJ Blizzard.
necro is not better?