At Last, 10.2.6… For SOME Of Us | How To Ruin A Secret Patch

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World of Warcraft finally launches it’s super secret 10.2.6 Pirate patch tomorrow… on NA realms. But with no global release, half the playerbase are doomed to be spoiled for the patch that Blizz definitely don’t don’t think you should be spoiled for. Not ideal? We also look at the Hearthstone anniversary event fiasco and new changes to Mythic dungeons in Dragonflight season 4

► Wowhead Articles

Dragonflight Dungeon Level Squish in Season 4 – Harder M0 With No Affixes or Timer For Same Loot

Dragonflight Development Update: Patch 10.2.6 Arrives March 19th

Hearthstone’s 10th Anniversary Hotfixes – Extension, Trading Post Credit, More Card Collections

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48 thoughts on “At Last, 10.2.6… For SOME Of Us | How To Ruin A Secret Patch”

  1. lol about time EU get some discomfort from patches. NA always has all the crashes and shit show on patch day and when it comes out on EU those problems got fixed…

  2. I think the reason that we don't feel that exited about having all the DF dungeons available for S4 is that we've already done them in S1 and S2. The only difference that we know is that our tier set bonuses will be different, for some. Whatever changes that are made have to make it feel different from S1&2, or it won't be enough. Imagine if they took 4 of the most popular M+ dungeons, and then changed them, and added 4 other ones, like SFK for example, I think it would work better. (I just think SFK would make a great M+)

  3. 3:48. "We also like to see the joy the community gets out of uncovering it all together as they all jump in to play." Is this the same company that is letting people play the next expansion three days earlier if they pay more money? 😅

  4. The only WoW news that I am concerned about is about the confirmation of whether or not Taliesin wears pants while recording these videos. Do the pants match the sweater, the button up shirt? Does he wear a belt buckle with the WoW emblem? Is the belt buckle socketed? Maybe it's engineering enchanted with nitro boost? Hmmm… What's going on down there? Whose the Tailor that made these pants? Are they WoW pajamas, shorts, a kilt? That's the real secret that I am curious about, I didn't read the patch notes so I don't know if these pants and the belt buckle even exist… Either way I'm sure you have fun keeping the viewers in speculation no matter how cozy you are.

  5. IMO, folks dreading S4 dungeons because 1) memory of when places like RLP were super overtuned and 2) some real gigaslogs like Uldaman. Folks really only seem to LOVE Academy and maybe BRH.

  6. I'm not super excited for the dungeons in S4 because we already did them all in the first two seasons… and some of them were just not very fun unfortunately… Ruby Life Pools, I'm looking at you and Azure Vault

  7. One thing that I dont understand. Your biggest critique is exactly what the community does already. Patch hits test relm and people data mine to shreds to spoil everything. I feel like blizzard players are just mad to be mad at this point. Never able to be satisfied

  8. EU shit shows seem to class it up 🙂

    On the other hand, does the EU think everyone in NA is taking the day off? Most of us will get spoiled long before we long in.

  9. For the record, they weren't supposed to all spawn at the same time originally. They were supposed to cycle. Also, if you had 10 cards sometimes you just didn't get loot and that's why you weren't able to loot him. It wasn't a bug.

  10. Yeah, um, not knowing how the hearthstone event works is definitely not ignorance on your part. I spent a few mins trying to figure out what the hell it wanted me to do and just gave up.

  11. As an alliance player who never experienced the Orgimmlag even enjoyed several bosses spawn in Stormwind, I find this hearthstone issue less of a problem.

    To be fair I experienced the lag once, boss spawned in for 3 frames and ded, that's where I decided to stick to all my alliance characters.

  12. pirates have treasures right? and everybody hates rare items right? so…in that room that you mentioned where bosses spawn…i mean it would be a bold move to just give us a big treasure that awards one of the rare items eh?…come'n blizz u can do it

  13. O, they finally realized that they need an "medium" difficulty for dungeons that's actually fun?

    Glad to see that it only took them 4 expansions to understand this. I doubt they'll actually implement it correctly, but at least they're finally trying I suppose….


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