AWC Shadowlands Cup 3 | Championship Sunday Full VOD

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25 thoughts on “AWC Shadowlands Cup 3 | Championship Sunday Full VOD”

  1. Am I wrong but wasn't that the old TSG comp Hamsters & Hares used to win in the zug match? Why didn't the announcers know that? Or they didn't play back when it won the AWC the second one I believe? They kept saying it was a "new" comp for some reason.

  2. Final: holy pala/fire mage/x vs holy pala/fire mage/x.

    Man i was thinking about resubbing and doing some arena but watching this has turned me off so hard. PvP is just so fkn sad right now, even worse than corruption at this point. At least curruption could be abused by everyone.

  3. MMO competitive pvp is a total meme, they’ll never balance it unless they bring in pvp only stat templates and phased class changes properly – which absolutely needs to happen or else you just have Mage Hpala living forever at 0% mana rofl

  4. Why is this hosted on "Youtube", AND why does it look like these hosts are in a small box or cheap apartment? Am I the only WoW player that owns a house??? LOL Maybe because I started playing two years ago, and took care of my adult life before selling my soul to Blizzard….sad sad.

  5. So a Mage is almost obligatory for every single team, we've seen mage in 90% of teams, guess why, spammable cc, 10k dps every 1.20 min unless combust gets countered by enemy mage(!) a few cheat deaths (iceblock-altertime-caut-seed), legendary triple shields, double blink, dragon's breath and novas… If you ain't picking mage you are trolling in this case.

  6. Are there decoy skills that redirect the dmg from a player to the decoy automatically and soak up dmg the player would have taken? I figured maybe the decoy could be stationary and have a short radius of range. Maybe the decoy doesn't redirect the dmg from every atk skill and only soaks the dmg of single target skills?


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