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mages op
kinda dumb to try and heal as prot pally. They heal good but not as good as a holy pally lol.
Eiya needs to go. Her best point is "hmm".
Where is the commentator top right? U switched him after his twitch ban? 🙁
Love seeing Dmachine again!
Imagine playing prot healer dps
He looks so tough in the thumbnail photo… Then you read that he's a WoW "champion" and immediately lose all respect.
1:14:40 some genuine 1500 feed…
Your changes are too little too late. You have zero foresight and zero respect for our time. You're fine with loot starving everyone to extend season one and have no problem giving us countless boring chores nobody wants to do. The loot itself isn't even rewarding when you do get it. It's just stats. There's been many guilds that have quite already. Including streamers guilds. Personally I'll never preorder anything from blizzard or Activision again and I'm not alone.
Where tf is Ziqo??
Where is ziqo
I miss Ziqo
Anyone else feel like Rogue is in a bad position? Legit feels like there is zero strong comps for rogue outside of riding the coat tails of fire mage.
love dmachine but wheres ziqo?
i want these nameplates!
absolute trash season. mind control bug not fixed for 2 months btw
To watsh non balanced Arena isnt interesting.
Blizz should just delete frost and arcane mages lmao
DMachine, we get it, you're a neckbeard, but stop cutting the other casters off. Eiya could barely get a word in. Where's Ziqo and his magnificent afro?
shaman healer FTW 8.)~
It feels like watching the same 4 classes over and over again.
At least you could indicate fights names in video. When Blizzard became this much lazy and weak?
Glad i unsubbed. Good riddance.
Gotta nerf ret paladins
Anyone know how to get nameplates like this please? Is this an addon or some macro
A happy little tree. ( Bob Ross ).
So much whining from ppl about others playing certain specs lol
Just waiting for Rdruid to be viable
Good thing blizzard are nerfing warlocks for 9.0.5, the warlock dominance is just too much.
Dang Avines is garbage enh shaman, doesnt use wall or grounding entire game @42:00