Azeroth ATTACKED By The Void Weapon STRONGER Than Void Lords

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What happened to the void converted planet K’aresh and where is this void monstrosity?
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

So everyone has been talking about Azeroth awakening soon as the void creature but I feel like literally no one is mentioning the fact this process already happened once in the past. We just learned that K’aresh the ethereal homeworld had a world soul and it was successfully converted which means a very powerful void creature was raised from a planet. What exactly is this creation, is this yet another Void Lord or something much worse?

Remember Void Lords can’t manifest themselves in the material plane but if you infuse a planet that is by definition in the material plane you would essentially create a Void Lord type being that can get to Azeroth on foot. Could K’aresh be the next big villain and a threat much bigger than all the Void Lords combined and what is even going on?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at


21 thoughts on “Azeroth ATTACKED By The Void Weapon STRONGER Than Void Lords”

  1. You said K'aresh was successfully converted to the void, source? Is it on the beta? Sorry, I don't have access to the beta and I crave nothing more but to see the Void succeed. If that's true, then K'aresh will either appear this expansion or Midnight. And that's very weird because Locus-walker doesn't look frighted at all.

  2. Could a material Void Lord not be able to open up a portal allowing more Void Lords to enter our realm? Like how Sargeras needed powerful beings to summon him, though that was in-realm teleport, not across realms.

  3. Won’t lie I think the void titan is Xal’atath, she is K’aresh and that is why the same sound is being heard from K’aresh and Azeroth, its not azeroth that is making the sound it’s Xal’atath also known as K’aresh. She was corrupted by the void, i.e by Dimensius, and now shes on a mission to take over Azeroth. Either this or she overcame the void and is using it to further her own ends.

    I don’t see a proper explanation as to how the light or the void is supposed to fair up to the titans that we fought in the past and that we will fight in the Last Titan, if she’s not secretly a corrupted void world soul.

  4. I personally think the titans are the pantheon of order. I think every force has a pantheon which can't enter the univers like with the eternal ones, and instead try to get as many world souls in the univers to claim it. That would make the titans emmisaries, and that there could be fel titans, death titans, void titens, light titens or life titens roaming around.

  5. The main thing is that azeroth lies in a convergence point across all planes.

    Azeroth moons and stars are in the outer space. Yet the draenei and sargeras reached azeroth through the twisting nether. Certain entities can travel with relative ease from the various planes within the shadowlands. And the imminent void invasion is coming directly from the void rather from the twisting nether. For all we know azeroth may be akin to a primordial world soul being fed by all this realities and that's what makes it so maleable and powerful

  6. 0:30 just starting but hope you answer this. What confirmation in game or chronicles do we have K'Aresh woke up? Because I've been under the impression since Cata that K'Aresh was destroyed by Dimenscious. Which sounds like it didn't awaken.


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