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In this video, I go over the best keybinds and how to setup your characters abilties. This is most useful in pvp, but essential for all forms of play. Having good keybinds is going to make your gameplay more fluid and fun, and you no longer will be reaching for unconfortable keys.
Ya see I think keybinds are a crutch. You zoomers ruined World of Warcraft. back in my day(original vanilla!) we didn't do keybinds. We snorted Adderall so we could click faster. I think blizzard should get rid of keybinds(and addons but thats another point) and restore wow to its original greatness
bots are cringe lol. nice vid
ay nice comment section
Great video. I use ESDF to move and it opens up more comfortable keybinds.
Hand at center of keyboard to reach all keys. This centers rotational ability on the actionbar for cd tracking.
Keybinding is essential but don't go from no key binds to all abilities being keybound. Start with a couple and only add more when you are no longer instinctually going to click the ability. Also if you have tiny hands then just say goodbye to binding 1-5 lol.
I dont use keybinds
Great video. Thoughts on shift instead of control. All my cool-downs are shift 1-4
And then alternate options of the Q and R spells are shift Q@R
Great video. Thoughts on shift instead of control. All my cool-downs are shift 1-4
And then alternate options of the Q and R spells are shift Q@R
I have it pretty much the same way, except I also use the F1-4 buttons as well, F5-8 are for raid markers. Interrupt is on |, left of 1. 😀
All good tips.
I use 1-4 Q,E,R,T,F,C,G,V and side mouse button 4,5 and scroll click and then on my multi action bar right above my main bar it’s just a shift function of the exact same keys so there’s no thinking about excess keys. Then I use F1-F12 for buffs, food, consumes, etc.
The other nice thing about having lots of letters as your key binds is to match a letter to an ability. For example T for taunt. C for cleave, shift-C for cooldown (like recklessness). I usually put my less pressed/more serious buttons on shift functions to avoid hitting them accidentally too. My back mouse button is a macro that casts battle stance and charge, my forward mouse button casts berserker stance and intercept, and middle click casts defensive stance and taunt. Very nice to have macros for all your stances on your mouse that also serve another function if you’re able to.
Ppl need a guide for this? I played and felt around and altered accordingly….
Typically you can use qwertf 123456 and have almost every ability/macro you need. Esp for war/hunter. Mage is nutty and you basically need a naga (mouse) to be top tier. You should pretty much only be using your mouse to move anyway, unbinding wasd will improve your gameplay twofold.
As a horde I always get jealous of how good nelf looks in plate armor.
personally i unbind backpedal and use QWER as my 4 main binds, with forward on S
macro vids would be nice too.
Love this video zatar. Keep up the great content and keep being yourself
I personnaly use macros for my keybinds:
/cast [nomod] spell1
/cast [mod:alt] spell2
/cast [mod:ctrl] spell3
With this you can bind three spells on each key, the secon one being activated by pressing alt and the corresponding key, the third being activated with ctrl and the key.
Spell 1 is either a core spell or a short cooldown spell
Spell2 is a situational / proc spell (ex: fireball for mages in wotlk, aoe spell…)
Spell 3 is a long cooldown spell (ex: trinket, defensive cooldown…)
With this you can only bind 5 to 8 keys depending on your needs and once you are used to it it's in my opinion the most effective way to play with a regular keyboard.
Only problem is you have to rebind the alt key since you can't target yourself quickly with this setup (usually use an extra mouse button for that)
Heroic strike on q, this will be good:D
Great video, thanks!
Basic ablities should not go to 1/2/3/4/Q/E/R, they should go to Scroll-Up/Scroll-Down. This was a game-changer for me at least
I use a mouse that has 12 buttons that my thumb can press and also apply my mouse wheel scrolling up and down for keybinds with shift as a modifier. Makes it really easy to handle moving using my left hand as well as the pinky applying the shift modifier while my right hand thumb can comfortably hit about any of the keybinds. Of course every player has something they see as easier to do. I know there are players that use a footpad to apply modifiers.
Off globals on the mouse buttons is massive brain. Finally a use for them.
Nice video! What I did was level a new character with the class I want to start using keybinds with. That way you get to incorporate each ability one step at a time into the new keybinding system. Every time you get a new ability, you can decide on the keybind and also how that keybind relates to your other ones. By the time you’re 60 you’ve tested and played around with it so much you’ll know what’s comfortable for you. Then transfer to your main.
Hey Zatar, are u still going to play prot war in wotlk?
And whats ur opinion on it in raids
I can't wait for the day, which will came soon, in which thread plates will realese their addon on Wotlk!!! I damn love this plate addon it makes everything far easier for tanks
I just click my spells GIGACHAD
How did he setup his interface like that tho
Great video! I am using the exact keys myself in fact, with the addition of ~ key! 🙂 I also try to bind similar abilities on multiple characters to the same key, for example mobility ability like charge or disengage goes to E and Execute/Kill Shot goes to Q.
What key do you have bloodrage on?
skip this vid. No examples, all talk, bad advice,.
for those of us that have been playing since 2007 and aren't struggling in Raids probably wont change.
I went from 1-80 with one hand on my mouse with 13 buttons in the side- but now that I want to do arenas I need something new to use
It’s always the same… T__T You start using their advices, try to reproduce but u end up erasing everything after one hour coz there is too much informations missing… for exemple he spoked about bloodrage the first skill of his top bar but never mentioned the actual button for the keybinding, and i pretty sûre it’s not " = " as it’s the opposite side of the keyboard, i took a screenshot and zoom in, i was so close to the end, so frustrating, i loose 5 hours on YouTube wow keybinds vidéos for nothing T__T
How to people move when your primary spells are bound to 1-4 and your fingers need to come off your movement keys to cast? You can't press "W" and "2" at the same time?