Basic Warcraft Paladin Tank Guide | Protection Paladin WoW Prepatch/Shadowlands

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This is a very basic guide for Paladin Tanks in World of Warcraft. I expect you to know your class abilities, I’m not just going to read them to you! This is more of a when to use them because I see so many tanks in dungeons using their abilities at the wrong time, or not at all.

Make sure to stop on by my twitch channel as well to hang out and ask questions or do some dungeons!

Happy Tanking!


4 thoughts on “Basic Warcraft Paladin Tank Guide | Protection Paladin WoW Prepatch/Shadowlands”

  1. bro…i just wanted to thank you as you are the literal first video that was more like, "hey, here is how you tank," not all about like "hey, maybe you should just check Icy Veins". Gracias


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