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A terrible attack on Bastion has left the Archon wounded, and Ardenweald is the Jailer’s next target. Highlord Bolvar has tasked yout ot keep the Winter Queen’s sigil safe.
Ater a bitter battle to protect Ardenweald. Sylvanas and Tyrande finally crossed blades. But the power of the Night Warrior was too great.
In the chaos. Anduin, dominated by the Jailer, sneaked behind covenant lines and stole the Winter Queen’s sigil.
#shadowlands #anduin #sylvanas #tyrande
I really hope they give Garrosh a good cinematic.
Tyrande: Ysera why are ours backs to the camera?
Ysera: They…. Didn’t update my model yet. But the real question is… WHY DID YOU THINK CHOKING AN UNDEAD WOULD WORK?! You have a knife ffs…
Resist him! Do not let the Jailer win! While we just stand over here doing nothing!
Shadowlands 9.1:–DZqtxlIclAaEqCA-ygdW
Garrosh Hellscream in Raid:
Sylvanas Boss Fight:
9:00 You know nothing of loyalty, banshee!
It is you who don't know nothing….(what are you? Uhh i think they are called fae…I'll go with fae)………….fae!
Interesting how this domination magic was shown before to be very powerful and impossible or extremely hard to resist even by strong shadowlands characters but elune's power in tyrande basically ignored it like it was nothing
Lava guy still wears the ARMOR OF THE LICH KING ARTHAS
I wish they will make ARTHAS LIVE AGAIN
Sylvanas and Tyrannde get into a cat fight.
Illidan and Nathanos has joined the chat.
Tyranda should of just bit a chunk out of Sylvanas’s face when she had the chance. With those big ass sharp teeth she got lol.
A head butt with that universal forehead she has, or somethingggg!
Tyrande should be there in the Sanctum of Domination when we confront Sylvanas again.
1. I believe Lady Moonberry is a Dreadlord. She is not a soulbind, she can disguise herself as another person, and she is one of Ardenweald's actresses.
2. The characters, who the Maw Walkers Soulbind with, are marked off the possible traitor and suspected Nathrezim list.
3. The players should try using the orb of revelation in other realms to find possible Nathrezim agents in Bastion, Ardenweald, and Maldraxxus.
4. Lo'sho (Blue Moon) might be the mythical interpretation of the Winter Queen.
Jaina : No matter it takes : she will marry with sargeras