Battle For Ardenweald Cinematic – 9.1 Chains of Domination Shadowlands

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Battle For Ardenweald Cinematic

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36 thoughts on “Battle For Ardenweald Cinematic – 9.1 Chains of Domination Shadowlands”

  1. Knowing she's a raid boss, people already know the outcome.. But I can't wait to see her finally die off. (As if though, eh?) Been so tired of Sylvanas for such a long time now.

  2. It's nice to see that someone was finally able to put up a decent fight against Sylvanas instead of seeing the Banshee Queen just insta killing our favorite characters and putting them to shame. Still hope we kick her corpse down the stairs onto a pile of legos though.

  3. someone needs to seriously get a vacuum cleaner and stop Sylvanns from just spiriting away whenever a situation becomes too inconvenient for her because this is becoming god dang trend with her.

  4. i think those words sylv says to tyrande when she loses(?) her power is going to haunt her back. like the one and only Garrosh Hellscream said, who did nothing wrong btw: WATCH YOUR CLEVER MOUTH-BITCH!

  5. Tyrande has Sylvannas on the run the entire time. She completely out maneuvered Sylvannas, and was clearly the better combatant, even with both of them infused with the full power of their Masters. If Elune hadn't denied Tyrande her revenge, Tyrande literally had Sylvannas on her back, with her hands on her throat and fear in her eyes.

    It makes you wonder how truly powerful Elune is by comparison to the Jailer. The Jailer even has all of his power on super steroids right now, yet his right hand maiden almost lost to Tyrande even after she had one shot the Tarrague.

  6. Super Saiyan wears off and both are left to eat their senzu beans for the future. I'd have preferred a battle of arrows for these two characters instead of this knife and war glaive fight.

  7. 1. You can't choke an undead!
    2. Tyrande says, "My life for hers" and Elune is like, "No, I will not let you die in vain revenge."
    3. They're both legendary archers, a good archer fight would have made more sense than this DH/Rogue stuff. (But I guess action wouldn't be great. Ask Hawkeye.)


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