Battle Pet Changes in Shadowlands – What's Chagning in Prepatch

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Battle Pets are seeing some balancing changes in the Shadowlands pre-patch, including significant nerfs to commonly used abilities and combos including Black Claw, Flock and Hunting Party. Learn more about which strategies may need rethinking after the 9.0 Shadowlands Prepatch (official prepatch release date October 13th) and prepare your teams.

I get my pet battle strategies along with Rematch and TDscript exports at

Read the full battle pet changes blue post here:

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33 thoughts on “Battle Pet Changes in Shadowlands – What's Chagning in Prepatch”

  1. Ikky being the solution to every fight was silly, but I still dislike this new balancing. Buff some pets too instead of just nerfing the single OP combo to the ground. Pet Battles are very stacked against the player already and it's pretty hard for new players to do a lot of the challenges as they tend to require either the current expansions cheese strat or a huge catalogue of decent levelled pets. I feel it's super hard to get new players roped into pet battles because the pets they caught on a whim are pretty much never enough.

  2. Howl Bomb has a comfy seat reserved for Shattered Defenses in the Home for Old Strats. Thankfully, none of the Pandaren Dailies are affected by these nerfs, and you can continue to power level pets every day (and earn a nice chunk of gold/xp on alts).

  3. Flock and abilities that drop stuff every turn are the most annoying to play against. I'm glad Blizzard is making some changes, but wish it was more. Either replacing the abilities completely or making them so they don't hit 5 times in a row with a dumb animation every single round. Damage nerf was definitely needed. It's pretty easy to rebalance pet battles. Just look at what players are using. It's always going to be the most overpowered pets. Just glad my secret OP pet isn't mentioned yet. Muhahahaha.

  4. Hazel, you seem like the type that would know stuff like this, is there a site that can match my character's theme/transmog with a pet that fits into them? Like for shadow priest, I like the faceless monstrosity, but wonder what else could be out there

  5. The happiest moment I had involving a battle pet would be whenever my twilight devastation would proc and accidentally kill the pets in the world. (You don't get credit and they respawn immediately)

  6. Righteous Inspiration will also be affecting Sir Murkeston on the Sir Galveston fight in Legion Dalaran, so check your strats for it to see if they still work!

    We're also seeing a change to Void Nova and Void Slap going from 2 round CD to 3 round CD. This may not curb the Anomalus meta 100%, but it might give people a little more breathing room on the AoE from it.

    We're keeping a running article on Xu-Fu's for all the changes for pre-patch and beyond into Shadowlands, and it can be found near the top of the main page. <3

  7. Petbattles was redone in late legion and t o much boring state -the interface with the opposing opponent stats removed -to count this they make leveling xp much easier ,the current (1 year now at laest) is just trash for me. Just remove pets ,same with mounts


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