Be READY! Asmongold Prepares For Shadowlands Release with Preach's Guide

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Asmongold reacts to Preach’s Shadowlands “First Week” Guide; with the new expansion a lot of new systems are gonna be implemented, including: Torghast, Renown, Soulbinds, Conduits, Legendaries and Soul Ash plus all the good old farms like Emissaries, World Quests, Reputation and daily dungeons. Preach guides us through what will really be required to be prepared for the first Shadowlands raid Castle Nathria…

Original Video (Priorities! – Your First Week in the Shadowlands):

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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold

► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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25 thoughts on “Be READY! Asmongold Prepares For Shadowlands Release with Preach's Guide”

  1. PvP is Dead… PvE gear is the only viable gear…
    PvPers don't want to be FORCED to do raids… they want to do PVP….
    On the bright side… at least I'm saving 15$ a month and the cost of the expansion lol
    Maybe I'll come back when they fix PvP gearing and if it doesn't take 3 months of WORK just so I can actually PLAY the game doing what I like… PVP

  2. I know asmon wants covenant rank to be account wide, but I like the idea of buying a recommendation letter thats account bound. Then you could start at maybe half your rank.

  3. I know asmon wants covenant rank to be account wide, but I like the idea of buying a recommendation letter thats account bound. Then you could start at maybe half your rank.

  4. People can't get into mounts if Blizz adds a billion of them every expansion. They should invest in making a smaller amount of really fucking cool mounts rather than just reskins so that people care about them more.

  5. I don't know why everybody thinks multibox herb gatherers will be gone. It's extremely easy to alt-tab and gather with multiple windows open. Just takes a few seconds more than if you had software to auto-broadcast it. /confused


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