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You don’t even need to watch the video with sounds to see how OP this toon is! Hey thanks for watching please let me know what you thought in the comment section down below and feel free to reach out in game to join the guild! We are growing everyday and would like to set up more teams for M+ and Raids! Lets do this!
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Not sure why this is on my trending, I don't even play the game!
BM hunters is going to find it's way back into the meta.
I'm stuck on which legendaries to choose for PVP for my BM. What will you be going for?
The simplicity of BM is nice. But started to play MM more and I love it. The extra range from mastery and from sniper shot never made me feel more safe in bgs. Bursting down targets miles away. I like that you can run without pet. But also works with pet. But if your pet dies, you can keep going strong. Also mm hunters got more kiting tools.
Wich stat prio u use for BM?
I'm sorry but Night fae all the way…. It's the hunter covenant
Bm hunters did get nerfed everything 5% except cobra shot.
And zero buffs throughout the entire alpha/beta and after launch.
well, that didn't age too well. 🙁