Best 2v2 Comps for Every Class in Shadowlands 9.0.5 [Mid Season 1]

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47 thoughts on “Best 2v2 Comps for Every Class in Shadowlands 9.0.5 [Mid Season 1]”

  1. So based on this video following healing specs perform worse than others in pair with listed dps specs:
    – hpal: dks, dh, feral druird, hunters, mages, ret pala, s priest, ass rogue, warlocks
    – rdruid: feral druid, hunters, ww monk, ret pala, ass rogue, enh shaman
    – rshaman: dks, feral druid, hunters, mages, ww monk, spriest, enh shaman, warlocks
    – mw monks: why do we exist?
    – hpriest: dks, ret, arms

    i think this speaks for itself and answers the question whether 2v2 is balanced mode or not. maybe if blizzard buffs priests so only priest players play this mode, it will be balanced

  2. Warrior x rdruid/hpaly is strongest (i can preach i play it)
    Afflic/fmage is super annoying as a melee.

    Rogue x Mage is the biggest BS i've dealt with for years. Ive complained about it since they nerfed everyone else's CC. If they can go high CR in 2v2 then multiple dps teams should be able to. End of story. Probably the only comp I feel myself and teammate have to play perfect in mid elo.

    Those are the biggest ones that stick out to me that say, hi I'm OP. The rest below are just thoughts of things to come. I'm sure I'm missing 1 or 2 comps above with a sham or something.

    Hunter x Priest has always been strong on the CC chain, but with hunter nerf its not so scary anymore.
    Dk x Druid/hpaly will eventually shine again. Its okay right now
    No tank should ever be good in arena. Its just annoying. I like the idea but blizz can never balance it.
    Ret x Priest seems strong but I dont see it much right now.
    Feral x Priest also another good one were not seeing much of.
    Rogue x Priest is another.
    Rdruid x Mage is peaking on the corner.
    Destro is gona eventually spike again.
    Boomkin x Mage probably gona appear again one day soon.
    I would love to see Ret/Warrior come back in 2s.

  3. Been subscribed to skill capped website since cata. These dudes do a lot and definitely the best pvp channel. One thing I would request is that there are more frequent update to class guides on the website throughout each season. Some classes seem to get left behind for a whole season.

  4. 2v2 is hell. I have played 2s with my buddy since WoD when we met, imo it's always been the more fun bracket because there are a lot of healer-less match ups and setups just feel easier to perform and escape from, and it made off healing feel better when no healers. That being said there are SO many 227 geared boosters at 1200 rating alone that playing twos is a nightmare. My buddy and I did 2s this xpack the first few weeks, got 2100 and took msot of December off from playing ranked, jsut did Bgs and stuff. When we came back in January we decided to play alts and that experience in 2s was the worst ranked arena I've played since Cata and getting dunked by Rogues and casters with the leggo staff and DS trinkets. I haven't played 2s since. So I've just used 3s and RBGs on my alts.

  5. As a new player who’s just to getting into PvP I actively avoid the arena atm. Your opponents are never matched against your iLvL so you just get one shot by a 200+ iLvL player and it’s no fun and makes it difficult to get honour. Even trying ranked matches and is the same story even though I’m the lowest rank possible.

  6. so sad best comps are mostly healer (hpal) + x
    also dampening should be applying to team individually like double dps vs dp+healer should be 0% vs 20% at arena start 🙁

  7. a few classes are dumb in 2s but nothing justifies warrior/heal being so busted when it is SO easy to play. Even just playing reactive and doing orange logs will get free 2100

  8. Is really frustrating to play vs double hybrid with my hunt or fdk … only viable class to defeat that is arms warrior because of 50% MS… ret/boomie, ele/spr, ret/spr


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