22 thoughts on “Best of Wrath of the Lich King – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft”
It took me forever to complete this video. I hope you like it; I am very exhausted now.
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Great chanel, I'm diggin' it ! Love to listen to WoW soundtrack while working. Vanilla's OST definitely gets the crown, but WOTLK has a special place in my heart and its musics and sound design play a major role in it. Thanks for the hard work !
I really like to imagine one day when i'm on my deathbed, waiting for it. I'll listen to music like this…and it will give me that feeling one more time. A brief flutter of happiness of a time when things were easy and fun. God damn, has it been 12 years since wotlk?
Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Today our world’s destruction has been averted in defiance of our very makers!
Algalon the Observer, herald of the titans, has been defeated by our brave comrades in the depths of the titan city of Ulduar.
Algalon was sent here to judge the fate of our world. He found a planet whose races had deviated from the titans’ blueprints. A planet where not everything had gone according to plan.
Cold logic deemed our world not worth saving. Cold logic, however, does not account for the power of free will. It’s up to each of us to prove this is a world worth saving. That our lives… our lives are worth living.
I was at the WOTLK launch on the 12 of November 2008 in Oxford Street London HMV shop. I will never forget the queue going all the way around the entire building. We came home with our copies of collectors version at around 3.30 am and my husband launched the cd. I remember that day as if it was yesterday. When I woke up it was like Christmas came early. We took days off work to immerse in the game 😂 I would sometimes switch off the heating to feel the atmosphere of cold Northrend… insanity 😂
It took me forever to complete this video. I hope you like it; I am very exhausted now.
Thank you for watching.
Did you enjoy this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links below), subscribe. Do you want to further support my work? Details in the video description.
Wrath of the Lich King playlist: http://tiny.cc/ca60xy
All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist: http://tiny.cc/zti5wy
Livestream with Music & Ambience: https://www.youtube.com/Meisio/live
With love,
Does anyone know what kind of instrument the strings are in grizzly hills?
Such a beauty! Thank you so much…⭐
Great chanel, I'm diggin' it ! Love to listen to WoW soundtrack while working. Vanilla's OST definitely gets the crown, but WOTLK has a special place in my heart and its musics and sound design play a major role in it. Thanks for the hard work !
3:22:04 For future me, who wants to feel goosebumps due to that magnificent theme
And yes, the 1st time I heard that couldn't help but to stop the group (I was the tank), /sit, and listen…
ffs that finale with invincible 😭why am I so WEAK
I was filled with so much joy when I entered grizzly hills for the first time hearing it's music
It's my go to music playlist while working! Every week 😉
I really like to imagine one day when i'm on my deathbed, waiting for it. I'll listen to music like this…and it will give me that feeling one more time. A brief flutter of happiness of a time when things were easy and fun. God damn, has it been 12 years since wotlk?
What a time
Grizzly Hills is my favorite piece!
Grizzly Hills, could fish there all day
bro.. 30:15
Citizens of Dalaran!
Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Today our world’s destruction has been averted in defiance of our very makers!
Algalon the Observer, herald of the titans, has been defeated by our brave comrades in the depths of the titan city of Ulduar.
Algalon was sent here to judge the fate of our world. He found a planet whose races had deviated from the titans’ blueprints. A planet where not everything had gone according to plan.
Cold logic deemed our world not worth saving. Cold logic, however, does not account for the power of free will. It’s up to each of us to prove this is a world worth saving. That our lives… our lives are worth living.
Maybe this is my evil horde self talking, but Dalaran always creeped me out. It's like walking into a funeral home, music and all.
nice one
Storm Peaks , has to be the most nostalgic thing i have ever listened to
"No Patrick, that's Frostmourne!"
Best moment of WotLK
Grizzly Hills – never again has any zone had such a musical impact
Currently at a work day at my school while I work on my other jobs for my family. This is the vibe. So many thanks, Meisio.
I was at the WOTLK launch on the 12 of November 2008 in Oxford Street London HMV shop. I will never forget the queue going all the way around the entire building. We came home with our copies of collectors version at around 3.30 am and my husband launched the cd. I remember that day as if it was yesterday. When I woke up it was like Christmas came early. We took days off work to immerse in the game 😂
I would sometimes switch off the heating to feel the atmosphere of cold Northrend… insanity 😂
into the fray we go again.