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This guide goes over how strong the pets are in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery. There has been a lot of hotfix nerfs, full nerfs, and more for Hunters in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery and all hunter players should be looking at the next pet they should be getting. In World of Warcraft Season of Discovery, the Pets are more important than ever and players should put a lot of consideration on which pet they want. There isn’t a one size fits all answer, so check the guide out and see what you think.
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The Rake:
Silithid Swarmer:
Raluk and Flanking Strike:
Gold + Gear Farm:
Coming Soon!
Hunter Pet Guide Season of Discovery:
Coming Soon
Hunter Runes:
Master Marksman:
Flanking Strike:
Sniper Training:
Beast Mastery:
Kill Command:
Cobra Strikes:
Aspect of Lion:
Lone Wolf:
Build Ideas:
warrior build:
Hunter Runes (adding as they are found):
Flanking Strike Rune Location:
Why you should play Season of Discovery:
Warriors look INCREDIBLE in Season of Discovery:
Warlock looks AMAZING:
a tip for taming the scorpid if you are horde get the blood shard buff at the camp before heading south called razorhide it acts like thorns
and will take out the swarmers being spawned or get a thorns buff from a druid if you are alliance
Gladius thoughts on the rare Death Flayer scorpid? I went out of my way grab it this morning and I haven't used any other scorpids to compare I just figured it would be better since rare, I am fairly new to WoW in general.
You can get the pig meat for the rare off the auction house for cheap
Does it matter which Scorpid you tame? I went to the same area, but I tamed the other one, not the swarmer. (I forgot what it was called.)
Have you tried the level 24 Starving Lions in Hillbrads Foothills? It's Attack Speed is 1.2 seconds and is VERY common. It has Bite, Claw, and Cower level 2.
So when raiding is beast mastery the best spec to use? Like with a serpant or scorpid in general.
1:33 Serpant – 1:39 showing snip with the correct spelling Serpent
Which pet skills should i use ?
Scorpid poison nerfed again only stacking 2x
I just got the white lion cat that’s only accessible through horde how is he? Should I go for the rake or humar?
you can also have a buddy make a level 1 hunter and run out to the boars and they can trade you the pig meat if you did flanking strike already
No mention of Death Flayer at all lol… smh.
just use lion anyway cuz it adds another 10% stats ontop when you use it urself no?
What about humar, where would he rank
hi..why my raluk won't level up he just stuck on level 7
how do very slow pets stack up against scorpids now? I have the 2.5 speed bear, with KC it does big dmg
So all the strongest pets, included names….are in horde zones
Where any alliance hunter, that tries to get them, will be griefed to hell and back.
u forgot to mention the lvl 11 rare scorp in duator with 1.6 atk speed =)
hey iam new at classic. since killcomand do not buff the poision anymore. do i still use killcomand and if yes. do i use claw? i tamed the death flayer scorpid, is he still the best scorpid?
soo still using kill command if pisons not working with kill command?
Best way to get scorp poison to stack is. Unlearn claw. Only learn growl and poison. Keep growl for when you solo. You must unlearn claw even if you turn it off it still activates. Waste of focus for scorp.
Serpent sting with scorp poison and fire trap just shreds thru enemy hp.
Earlier you tame raluk the better. If you tame at lvl 25 have fun level a pet from 7 to 25 in current level content
Kill command won't force the Scorpid to use its poison? but thats its ''special'' ability, wtf is going on xd
Eee so guys, can we got 2 pets at the same time ?
Or we need to throw the old pet to get a new pet ??
i cant found scorpide, also in my map i see ruins of taurajo not camp taurajo ?
What do you think is the best pet for questing?
what about ghost howl . and the spirit tiger ?
i hard every hear people talk about these
you can buy the pig meat for the white cat on the AH.
On the SW border of Durotar there is a rare spawn Scorpid called “Death Flayer.” He looks like the corrupted scorpid in the area. What’s great is it has a 1.6s attack speed instead of the 2s. That’s almost as fast as cats and you get poison!
love my scorpion
Soooo how do I get a scorpid if I'm Alliance? Don't want to swtich to horde, tried swimming there to Bootybay over 2 hours trying and die every time. Now what??
so in generally, to lvl up a hunter to 25, are scorpid,boar or cat better?
"link for gold farm below"
"Gold + Gear Farm:
Coming Soon!"
come on.
Knowing now that Scorpids and Lightning serpents are being nerfed, are there any alternative pets you would recommend besides cats?
More pet changes coming tomorrow it seems, guess scorpid won't be the best?
theres lvl10 scorpids in dutorar if you cant tame the ones in barrens. you will have to level it up to 25 thought which can be annoying but its quick in dungeons
Curious about how much this video is going to change when the servers come back up after maintenance today. Since they’re hitting scorpid nerfs but are switching aspect of the lion to heart of the lion and will be able to use aspect of the hawk at the same time.
Which scorpion should I choose, are there any differences? Which is the strongest?
Just take a scorpion from wasteland?
Solo farm link ? cant find it ? IM BLIND HEEELP
why in the middle of screen