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0:00 – Intro
1:30 – Unranked
3:02 – B Tier
4:58 – A Tier
6:46 – S Tier
11:24 – Recap
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Is anyone going to talk seriously about prot pally? Im new to healing and prot seems the easiest "healer" rn but i would like to see vids about it and how it should be played etc
Show your support for buffing MW Monk on the forum –
Currently at 220 posts / 5,600 views
RIP holy priest. Wish they got some love
Prot pala s tier healer
Can someone tell me how blizzard changed the mop holy priest to this ? And dont talk about the 8.3 version… Why they change something incredible to something disgusting ???
MW B tier but HPriest Unranked? dafuq..
Leveled druid and monk to heal, blizz got me….feels bad man
They need to stop tanks from playing rated
Feels kinda bad to main mistweaver right now… Everyone can do what we do but better.
Apparently I need to reroll XD my monk has been kinda trash in arena lately. yet on my hunter i rock xD are any healers not being 2-3 shotted? do i need to go paladin or shaman? priest always seems soft to me. or just go roll prot paladin?
welcome im your freestyle dance teacher
MW utter garbage. Geared to 203 ilvl and was proud since I can only focus on more than one char but its just so vulnerable and weak. Feel like giving up. Never ask for other classes nerfs but only buffs to my own. Can't believe Blizz are this ignorant to a core spec of a class. At least with priests they can go disc.
why is the volume so low????is it just me?
Should include RBGs in the convo. H Priest great for RBG
Even minor buffs would make such a huge difference for MW monk. Idk what to do about holy priest because I don't want disc to be nerfed. Eitherway, I'm rerolling because MW feels awful in pretty much everything except random battlegrounds and low keys.
Prot pal suppose to be in S tier🤣🤣🤣
Nice!! Really valuable videos as per usual
Is this an 11 minute video on why you should heal as disc and only disc because disc is so viable that no other healers are viable?
I don't see prot paladin in this tier list
While MW monks are lower than Rdruids in popularity you got to remember that Druid is THE MOST POPULAR class in the game, and monks are THE LEAST POPULAR class in the game. I would rank both specs below B tier, since no team would want any of those 2 healers over any of the other 3.
Please up rdruid and mw !!!!
Haha sad how bad blizz is at balancing pvp