BFA 2.0 | Shadowlands Beta: Postmortem WoW Refugee OUTCRY (artistic expression of grief)

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Another beta cycle with similar behavior by blizzard; in some cases doubling down on mistakes or outright repeating them
gcd changes vs aoe cap
borrowed power that just fails (AGAIN)
borrowed power over class/spec design (everything that got touched was late beta cycle and rushed)
further homogenized specs
false ‘meaningful choices’ through borrowed power instead of the specs/classes we invested a decade or more into
solving problems over developing fun gameplay
outright removing fun gameplay to solve imaginary or small problems

If you want to hear ‘my story’ it can be found here:



4 thoughts on “BFA 2.0 | Shadowlands Beta: Postmortem WoW Refugee OUTCRY (artistic expression of grief)”

  1. I’ve commented on your videos a few times about how upset I am about the shadow priest changes. Once you asked me what I did in response—I didn’t reply because for the most part, I’ve been playing discipline priest and wishing I was playing shadow still, but I haven’t really found anything else like shadow. However, I think if there’s ONE thing about new shadow that I like, it’s the talent Hungering Void. It gives me like 30 seconds of feeling like old shadow. You want to cast as many void bolts as possible to extend your voidform and more haste/crit lead to longer voidforms. It’s nowhere near as fun as old shadow, and you don’t have the insanity game, but you do get to make a lot of gearing decisions and what not around extending voidforms and the rotation feels very similar (VB 2 globals VB). Plus, you don’t feel as much like a builder spender in these windows because your goal is to get as many voidbolts out and you kinda just dump devouring plagues to avoid capping (it doesn’t feel like DP is the center of the rotation, which I quite like). I found myself fighting a target dummy this morning to see how many ghosts I could get. I don’t know that you’ll enjoy it at all because really it’s not the same as old shadow—you still have a big cooldown and you still play a builder-spender outside of that cooldown, but really i’m getting close to 33% uptime on voidform rn, which is not bad, and it’s pretty fun. I just thought I’d share my thoughts. Idk if you’ve tried out the new talent yet.

  2. I promised to myself not to buy Shadowlands until the first raid is over to see the balance of classes and how blizz does the things cause BFA was a pay to win like any other expansion ever made, with the excuse of buying 6 months and a mount to make players play more.


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