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It’s an exciting week for World of Warcraft fans with Dragonflight preorders signaling further development of the expansion. Turns out it may come out sooner than expected, but should it? Today we discuss why maybe it shouldn’t, Wrath of the Lich King Classic news, sales and more!
Coffee With Soul
830AM Tuesday through Thursday
0:00 Intro
0:42 Dragonflight bundle breakdown
4:02 Dragonflight shouldn’t be rushed, or is it?
11:03 Wrath Classic group finder tool
16:05 How we did this week
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#warcraft #shadowlands
Yes it is your channel and I freely chose to watch the whole video, but that last commentary is not why I watch this channel. Sometimes we all need to get away from this fallen world and just play a game.
one of the big things that could change the timing of a release is the fact that they dont need to spend some much time on end game content build up a brand new system for some borrowed power like the last few expansion. the new systems like the talent tree and professions are big but not as huge or time consuming as a borrowed power system that starts out broken and remains broken for the expansion now for the Evokers as for why they are so hush hush on them is maybe they revamped what they had to make the community more happy with the class/race combo.. They have also spend a better part shadowlands working on dragonflight probably and that would explain why shadowlands has been so dull and if you look at season 4 its just a rework of everything they already have so yeah it does take some work but not as much as
Abortion is murder. You just lost a sub.
I think they’re quite confident in what they have. Whether that’s enough is a different story.
I am not at all ashamed of my Cataclysm mousepad. 🙂 I looked at it when you were making fun
As Dragonflight Alpha turns into Dragonflight Beta, I think it will become apparent whether or not Dragonflight will be ready for a 2022 year-end release.
Sadly, overturning Roe v. Wade has nothing to do with abortion. Like which state do you think is going to ban abortion? Alaska? No offense to anyone who lives in Alaska, but who cares?
It's about that pesky legal precedent interpreting the 14th as protecting privacy rights. That was in the way of Big Brother, so it had to go.
Sorry, I love pre-order bonuses
I love you Sol!!
Looking forward to DF whenever it comes out. I have so much in WoW to do right now that i have plenty to keep me busy.
Thanks for that last part, we all have our own beliefs on this. I just can’t believe that now a corpse has more bodily autonomy than I do right now.
It's really rough hearing what's happening in the US right now, I mean, just thinking that people are willing to let children be born into an environment they are unwanted potentially left without a parent and at the mercy of dying from lack of medical aid. I mean, not even the sex education is good enough to where you can avoid potential unwanted pregnancies. I am quite scared for what that means for the US.
I play on Bloodsail Buccaneers RP server US for classic and we use the LFG channel to find groups and pretty much a world chat channel which is really nice as besides finding groups it helps us foster a nice community on that server. Some one had mentioned that the LFG channel is sort of going away as in Wrath u need to be listed in the group finder to use it which would be really sad . I dont remember how it worked when i played wrath in its day .
This brings me to my question is to why is Blizz seemingly against or not really for an over all world chat channel in game ? I know the cons about spamming and idiots on there but i truly think it would help to bring back a feel of community . Other games have a world chat channel why not wow ?
I knew when they put the pre order up for new expac ppl would go crazy over the prices and i have read a lot on it but in case ppl have been living in a cave then they have to see the cost of inflation is real for every thing and this is just another part of that . Company's have a cost to do business and have to keep their prices up in accord with current times
I am happy to share my secrets for gold which will 100% work for everybody because its straight forward. Requiring no effort just time I have made 900k this week so close
Pre-ordering a limitless product is always a big question mark for me. Pre-ordering the Collector's Edition makes sense, if you don't do it, you risk not getting that box for your collection, but the digital versions that are available up to and most likely beyond the expansion's release just doesn't make sense.
Even if it came with a "guaranteed beta invite", it would still make more sense to wait until a beta date is announced. Without beta invite, I see no reason to pre-order until pre-patch is announced. Putting money down now, especially if you were thinking about taking a break until pre-patch, is just lunacy to me.
It feels like people are spending money on the digital pre-order now because of FOMO, even though there is nothing to miss out on for the next six months.
Not trying to undermine the idea that people have the right to spend their money however they want. What people spend their money on is absolutely not the responsibility of others (unless they are affected by that type of expenditure), but the 'why' is worth being concerned about, because it is often less about the consumer and more about the retailer and their methods to "get a sale", and I feel that this is a group concern.
To me, one of the biggest faults of not having a dungeon finder is that people are basically unable to play off meta specs because almost no one is going to invite a Feral Druid or other specs that are perceived as lesser.
Sounds like they injected their religious beliefs into politics…..
I enjoy all of your videos this 1 especially at the end, I appreciate your words. Also I wanted to say I used to get poems from a stranger, I miss them. Thank you for being you ❤️❤️
The end… made me me a sub for life
Soul, you are a good and kind man. Always stay this way. It helps to give us hope.
Glad you are speaking your mind. I honestly don't think December is too early unless if they are behind. More time developing SL wouldn't have helped the expansion much, they aren't going to change their design philosophies and thats what people have a problem with.
With three out of the last four expansions being very 'meh', I'll be sitting this one out.
I preordered. Since it came with a boost, I figured I’d like the time to get a new Druid geared up for the next release. I also like the month’s play time. I’ve been hesitant to use store mounts while playing the game. I like them well enough but I don’t think a lot of people think much of people who use them.
Dude I love you using your platform to speak so bluntly about an important topic
If they can make some nice clean dungeons… I kind of miss the days where we would CC pull
Soul I love watching you but the end of the video I have to say my friend very well said, it’s about time someone speaks common sense xx
Thank you Soul, I really liked this video, good discussion of rush/delay, reasoning behind which version to buy.