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what a terrible twitch drop
I’ve never done Jaina until a week or two ago and I was able to solo everything on mythic no problem. No sure what mechanic they chanced 🤷
I hope the issue with SoD was fixed! Can't solo Kel'Thuzad because that stupid phase were you need someone inside and outside the portal…
I want that darn arrow quiver off Slyvannas because Blizzard can't seem to make arrow quivers a part of HUNTER TIER SETS!
All I want is to be a dragon hunter
''JUST'' 4 hours lol
That retroactive transmog update definitely gonna break the game, I would put my annual salary on it.
There is this bug with the reputation window not showing everything, or very scuffed. The Severed Threads achievements are also still bugged and not granted. Guild rep being reset back to Neutral. Also mobs randomly walking into textures, making them evade and so on.
If they couldn't fix these in almost 3 months (+beta) and anything they add to the game is broken for at least a month trust me, it will be broken. Can't wait for when they implement all the reps being warband how many of the reps will be suddenly gone or back to Neutral.
The snake mount is for the Year of the Snake for next year.
This game has gone so far off what it used to be. They just give you mounts for existing. A new mmo in the style of WoW would be great right about now.
I have the Loremaster achievement in every expansion (except Dragonflight) and a Pally who did a lot of pre-cata stuff as well so… yeah. Somethin's gonna break with that transmog. Either that or my game is gonna break trying to load all that new stuff in, LOL
Is Antorous soloable now?
Arfus drops is very common in my experience. I got him on my first drop with my main and alts.
Jaina won't freeze you on mythic anymore
i can predict i wont play tuesday at all. i live in the netherlands and i play on us servers and with last few maintanances i could start playing at 12am my time. at least i have palia to spend time on when im pissed off at warthunder and world of warships
Am I going crazy? Doesn't Hallow's End start on the 25th? How are people already doing it?
20th anniversary is just 24 hours away. Can you believe it?
That transmog change… the servers are going to melt in their racks…
Not sure where your link came from, but Hallows End STARTS 25 October, it did NOT start on the 18th and isn't available as the day you posted this.
TWW is garbage worse than Siege
Did he just frostmourne transmog casually like it aint a big deal!?
Double Twitch Drops where
It is the Chinese new years wood snake
i'm clearing my Warbank, just in case shit hits the fan.
you dont get freez on jaina fight i ditn get free not even once while farming mount