Blizzard at it again

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by @Azamous
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27 thoughts on “Blizzard at it again”

  1. I don't know WoW, but I looked over GDKP and it's auctioning off the entire loot of the raid then equally sharing the gold among members. Why is this controversial?

  2. funny seeing someone say the reason people don't like runescape is because you can't buy gear with gold.. when you can almost buy every single BiS gear with gold, unlike in wow.

  3. Blizzard managed to ruin the entire Season of Discovery in Phase 3. The world outside of Ashenvale is dead, economy is all over the place, no exploration or actual discovery happening.

  4. This argument is brain dead. The wow community IS actually sweaty. FACT.

    Know what created the gold buying carries? That’s a symptom of the sweats of only invite “show proof show achievements. Ultra clears hard mode, must have BIS gear in the game” sweats. They created that mess.

    Casuals exist. Deal with it. Making the game hard for sweaty players negatively affects casuals.

  5. No changes Andies literally shaking right now. SOD is the best thing that happened to WoW since Classic was released. Wanna grind for months? You have Era, and it's still very easy to find people there, let people enjoy stuff.

  6. I may be completely wrong but from my opinion the problem with classic wow is that everyone who's playing classic has played vanilla. Old wow gameplay is too "dated" ot slower perhaps to attract a younger newer audience in droves. People who've played vanilla back in the day are grown adults now with jobs and or a family with no time to play the game at a decent pace to not get left behind so they just buy gold/carries/boosts etc and it just goes into a vicious cycle


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