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Blizzard buffed our Maelstorm healing and now we’re healers in arena. One of the weirdest states of Enhancement Shaman but I’m loving it.
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Why do you steel playing with venthyr general soulbind? With newly buffed heal it is not so profitable as before.
Did you check Kyrian – Pelagos? it will bust our mastery and vers. Plus Phial of Serenity which heals for 20% and cleanse you.
Why would it get reverted? Whe need to waste 5 MSW charges and a crit to heal that much. Meanwhile feral druids can just throw one or two HoTS then heal to full, and also have more defensives than us.
Windfury is physical it’s not affected by mastery btw.
hahaha im also fan of savix and anboni u did a nice job the last part was insane and very funny edits u got a sub
as someone who mained enhance since TBC…yeah watching this hurt. I dont have beta so wasnt sure how exactly this changed how enhance is doing/feeling on beta and honestly it just looks like all this has done is put our healing closer to rets(minus the fact their WoG costs zero mana and can be used indefinitely, and the fact they have direct control of holy power generation and it being incredibly easy/fast to get 3 HP). Damage seems like its only "good" when ascendance is popped, and even then plenty of other classes do way more damage with their CDs popped, otherwise we do comparatively low damage outside of CDs. That clip against the hunter really reminded me that our mobility is honestly quite shit compared to most melee since our only real way to keep a target slowed is by literally spamming frost shock on CD, and dropping EB if its up, and then having to sacrifice one of our only defensives just to have a gap closer is stupid as hell too. If they arent going to actually give us better damage outside of CDs, or defensives/CC that somewhat compare to e very other class etc. then I genuinely dont think they should nerf the healing, wed just go back to dying quicker than any spec in the game and being hopeless, you cant honestly say its OP when it only buffs us to the point where at least theres a chance we can win against certain comps and still plenty thatd wed lose to. I mean, the buff really highlights how pathetic our toolkit and spec is as a whole that getting such a big buff to self healing simply only moved us from "dogshit" to "semi viable" while if you look at ret, when their self healing got buffed it turned them into OP monsters.
Very funny!
Would you say Mastery build is better than haste? also with mastery build might try elemental blast if you can get a healer
Hey Claak love this shammy content and your editing my guy! I’ve only seen you on Savix’ stuff, but im definitely following your stuff here from now on
Considering just how bad Shaman defensives are and how screwed they are in stuns and cc….maybe having OP healing is ok
If they don't nerf heals that much, we could survive in pvp, but blizzard knows how to shit on us🤷♂️
1:20 Thats how buffs work though. Mages, priests, warriors, and rogues all have to rebuff. Why should shaman be any different?
I just said 'fuck Blizzard' and swapped to Elemental.
Not going to sit through this headache again.
Blizzard doesn't nerf slowly. They also don't listen to feedback.
Prepare your shaman anus, they're going in dry.
3:30 game was actually against venruki and Ziqoftw lol
Awesome video man! Your editing style is very entertaining 🙂 Also the honor talent heal that came in clutch while you were in Hoj got me excited! I gotta test out enhance on beta myself It looks like a spec for masochists XD
Us lmao
Well done video, you're a funny commentator! Subscribed!
Chain Harvest works with Maelstrom weapon right?
11th…… only buffed thing i se is healing!!!! NOTHING exiting!! if u do no dmg
All the healing in the world won't matter if we still go from 100-0 in a single stun because we have no defensives….
There are actually ppl that play that poopspec? 😂😂
they buffed it cause only 50 enhancement playing spec in whole EU, and when 200 enhancement start leveling for SL it will be nerfed by 450% in first week of SL. Enjoy my preditcion.
And i was under the impression that enhancement is a damage spec. Guess i was wrong, it's a healing spec after all.
Did you just say "we should win this" against double mage, as double shaman..? lmao! If the mages are at least decent you will die before you even thouch them. 😂😂