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Progenitor Essentia Farming:
actually first? LETS GO!
nice mount studen
Wooh nice book keep up good work x
studen forever ♥
I cant see elusive herbs and mines on my minimap, what should we done to see them?
You're going to work and I'm getting ready to park for the night lol. See you soon
Very cool! Now, if they would just re-buff at least a few of the raw gold farms from old raid content – even a little bit – I'd be as happy as a pig in slop…Lol
Nice book WOW.
It's insane to think I used to watch you back in WoD, quit farming for many years, and just now came back and saw your channel pop up in my recommendations 7 years later.
5am and my dude looks fresh af…
I've seen the old Shadowlands herb/mine increase for sure but the ZM-specific stuff doesn't seem much different.
I guess more farming is needed to see what the increase may be.
Hogger +20 pog
5 AM videos, you are officially old!
Is it live ? I have less essentia than before lol 1hour with buff to only get one
I just need you to know how amazing your face-react thumbnail is. A lot of people try it, but you get it right.
Kekw went out farming essentias 2 days ago 11 min into the buff i had 4
so it means now u need more mat for crafting legendery? like 10 progess for each?
Did they buff lightless silk drops?
I've been making bank selling Zin'anthid for 80g ea
Thanks Studen!
studen forever♥
1 Thing that i dont like is id like to see pet and mounts, other then that the Book is Amazing.
Just kinda curious for some input, genuine question: What do you guys spend your gold on? I guess what I mean is what's the purpose of having millions of gold? I usually float around the 200k-300k range but never really spend gold other than making legendaries/upgrading them.
I got 2 in a row from herbs without Genesii buff within 20 seconds then spent an hour farming stacks of ores and herbs with buff and 0 Essentia 🤣
I logged in around 4am real time ( play on a server that is about 3 hours ahead of my time) I used the jiro path you showed and I got about 5 prog in less than 30 minutes.. though there was like 600 other druids out there doing the same.
You told us to stockpile heavy Callous hide before 9.2
They are 80g less now than when i bought them should i just cut my losses?