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The monk set is the best imo but I'm biased as I play monk
Aug will still buff healer and tank, just not with ebon might. The 3% healing and damage to healers and blistering scales on the tank are far more of a contribution to the team than any other dps provide. Not even mentioning the rest of the toolkit. It may not be good in lower keys but it'll be meta until they break the tank and healer support completely.
Goodbye Aug, it was fun.
3 frost mage looking sets. Lol
A fitting look for warriors would be ork gear from WH. They got that same goblin vibe but big.
I really hope we get goblin themed non-class sets.
Warlock has top 3 set. Warlock tier set bonus is Dread Stalker focused on Demo.
Rogue is best but Warlock and DK are 2 and 3 both are close but I lean Warlock slightly.
Evoker is crap because it doesn't matter they are primarily in Dragon form you will barely see it in a vacum it looks good.
They need to add Evoker tier sets to Barber shop Evoker armor when you unlock it for Visage form.
It's kinda annoying that every paladin set is basically a humandin set
I really dont understand why they had to absolutely BUTCHER the warlock set. I neverr thought id say this but that warlock set makes me nauseous. that is god awful. i want to rant for hours about how bad that is. Bliz let us down on a whole lot. like i hope theyre joking
Instead of Aug Evoker not affecting tanks/healers at all, it would feel a lot less “artificial” if they just reduced the effectiveness of the buffs instead.
rogue is hot asf
You have no idea, every m+ Ppl would pull off me and would die almost every pull…i didn't know it was a blizz issue i thought it was me but it really wasn't. 😢
😂😂i love the druid set the green one!!! I am a guardian druid . I love the skelly cat shoulders that glow green will match perfectly with my new felcycle bike😊😊😊😊❤❤
Shaman 2h come back
funny for ppls are falling to this aug changes, its not gonna change anything
Yo im so F ing excited for that DK set YEAHHH BOYY IMA DEF GET ME THAT TOO!!! they are the nicest to me… not because I main unholy 😉
These tier sets have no goblin theme. And change shaman and mage sets. (Shamans with arcane balls?)
My monks name is Wedragonball. This Tier was made for me.
I guess after 19 years of playing a ranged DPS and learning to tank … I should not have picked Blood DK. 🙂 CAnnot wait to 11.1
comment immediately in the first min as a blood dk struggling to grab aggro on queen hahahaha great start to my monday, coffee in hand!
Aug nerf hurts my heart. Rip my evoker it was nice while it lasted 🙁
Blizzard should introduce additional support specs/classes so they don't have to keep nerfing augvoker into the ground. Give us some variety ffs
Sam you are becoming one of my favorite streamers.. Nailed it, not bad looking sets but none of them look goblin, I honestly am at the point where they’re just designing stuff and throwing it in whenever they feel a class needs a little bump up they make their tier set look good. None of this was made exclusively for undermined when you think goblin you think tech and you think booty Bay
YES!!!! Tank threat has been driving me nuts, wondering what I'm doing wrong…Thank you and thank Blizzard for fixing this!!
4.3k views blizzard 100000% does not watch your stream
"Meta breaking class changes!" then proceeds not to even talk about them. Whole video is about the transmog. lol