Blizzard Finally Decides To Just BUFF Bronze Drop Rates & MORE World of Warcraft NEWS/UPDATES

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41 thoughts on “Blizzard Finally Decides To Just BUFF Bronze Drop Rates & MORE World of Warcraft NEWS/UPDATES”

  1. Huh, it's almost like you need to TEST things before letting it loose on the world.

    Imagine if they built cars like blizz builds games… well, ok, you'd end up with Tesla, but my point still stands.

  2. Sounds good, still looking for more scaling adjustments. I have a bad experience in group content whenever there are level 70 players involved – lots of deaths / boss takes a long time to down. I'm going on vacation for a week so hopefully more scaling changes will be online when I get back! They were vague on the "fixed scaling issues on some gems" so we don't know which had a problem

  3. The problem i still have with this is that the frog farm gave 20k an hour give or take.
    This is 8.6k per day, and takes way more than an hour. It sounds like a large number, but it's still pitiful compared to what we need.

  4. I'm planning to finish getting all the plate transmogs on my paladin as well as many mounts. I've created alts of other classes/armor types to get more since leveling is pretty fast (and it's hard to tell what sets I don't have unlocked for other armor types)..

  5. it's not even close to any of the low quality farms… and they still nerf any farm that pops up… clueless video just reading and giving vape takes

  6. Ill be honest, I really liked the remix when I first tried it, but after hitting cap I absolutely hate it. I can't play the game when tanks come into runs and one shot bosses. I can't even get a spell cast off. It's honestly boring. I farmed for whatever transmog I wanted and I called it quits


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