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We had no idea, but since The War Within launch, new players have experienced an absolutely wild version of WoW. Also, a host of PTR class changes, every dead Warcraft game and how you can indulge in the low rumble of Chris Metzen’s voice everywhere you go.
00:00 Incoming Class Changes
02:44 Every Doomed Warcraft Project
07:38 Blizzard’s Broken Development
14:30 An Assault on Your Tenders
16:32 The Warchief Is Back
17:00 Massive Delve Progress
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It's extremely clear that all the smart people, that know how to make good games, are all gone from Blizzard. (Except Metzen)
14:00 frankly, I think blizz needs to do a "Recruitment Effort" for every expansion, where you get a gear boost (the same gear you get buying a level boost) as part of the lead-in quest. For TWW, the ideal place would be in the "prepare the city for teleport" phase, with a quest marker going to a box with gear in it. For those that skip the storyline intro (adventure mode), it would just come in the mail.
I am so glad I got the Broom off the Post a while back it looked REALLY good with my Blood Elf Demon Huntress's Transmog.
they get out of the new player experience and meet a skull mob and get clapped lol
A game that blizzard need to make, is a looter-shooter starcraft game
Idk I think the survival game was doomed either way. Like oh good ANOTHER early access survival game that may or may not officially release
"Hey Blizzard, how about you release smaller games and build them up how the players want?"
"NO! We only make YUGE games how we think they should be and abandon them the second they don't make as much money as WoW. And no, we're not going to change anything about the games to improve them, if players don't like our ideas, the game deserves to die."
Thanks Blizzard.
They already nerfed Zekvir, doesn't count towards your great vault anymore
odd ending since they nerfed zekvir already with the vault.
Anyone still playing WoW and complaining about it deserves the bad product they paid for.
'No king rules forever, my Son'
These thumbnails are such degenerate clickbait lmao.
No, the trading post thing does make perfect sense because this time last year people were whining and complaining that they couldn't fill up their bar fast enough to get the Halloween themed item until Halloween was almost over. So now they just let you buy it on October 1st. AND… get ready for it… People are still whining and complaining.
wasting 80 million dollars in a few years…….. laughs in star citizen
16:25 “An Assault on Your Tenders”
More like Shiver me Timbers What great armor sets for us BBC
ope, remembered why i loathe you. good luck!
Not "fixed", Bellular. They're realigned. That does NOT mean it's fixed.
I miss heroes of the storm!
lets be for FUCKING REAL….. there aren't very many NEW players in wow. no one is like hmmm lemme start this game that's been going on for 20 years. If anything its people who used to play wow and lost their OG accounts.
UH if they were immortal, they could run instances solo and get geared up, couldn't they???
what a disgusting shill…
please stop using "tendies" as a noun… it cheapens your discussion.
going from immortal to smacking your head on a wall: our man just described the feeling I had leveling Mistweaver in Remix and then questing in TWW. Hit three: why is this not dead already I kicked it. . . oh no
any Turn Based MMO game that were cancelled that is a HUGE loss for whole game industry.
WE dont have on marker ALIVE MMO with turn based systems….
one is Atlantica Online that is breathing with one lung and almost "underground"
Still broken.
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Would be nice if they put something more worthwhile on the post. Why we keep getting these gardening tools and completely plain swords is a huge letdown to its potential tbh. Would like to see some more specific items like.. blood elf themed or illidari themed or just.. something that is nice to look at, not the 10th iteration of a sarong and scarf.
zekvir's lair no longer gives you vault progress.
They were overly focused on whatever game they produce to be perfect??? Not according to WoW at the time 🥲
Honestly if you want to experience the game and its deep lore, every new player should start at the beginning of the story and play it through.
chapter break point not set correctly. ad ends at 2:53, not 2:44
Ooof should've just taken off the last couple minutes because the even had already ended when you posted this lol.
starcraft isnt on game pass
I really liked all the Sylvana nonsense. I know many players, including friends of mine, hate the direction they took Sylvanas, but it made me like her a whole lot more. I want to encounter her in the Maw, I want to see her find Nathanos while she's ferrying everyone else out of the Maw….Sylvanas made me love WoW. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of issues with WoW, but Sylvanas is the opposite. I have noticed the immortal bug in Dragonflight, and I tried not to rely on it, but it was a nice breather from the harassment of dying, running back to body and trying to continue on again. It stops helping you at level 70, though.