Blizzard HALVED The Grind! 5 War Within Updates You Should Know

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24 thoughts on “Blizzard HALVED The Grind! 5 War Within Updates You Should Know”

  1. Delves reminds me of the good parts of Torghast in those early days. They can actually be difficult so it really makes me look at my talent trees and try to think about what I can optimize to improve my experience. And when you beat a delve it feels very rewarding. I think Delves are filling the void in a major way that Dragonflight was missing. And unlike SL’s Torghast or BFA’s islands/warfronts they have finally gotten the tuning right and designed something that’s fun and satisfying. I’m looking forward to the future of delves and how they continue to evolve the endgame because I actually think delves have the potential to be revolutionary to the game the same way mythic+ was back in legion.

  2. Dang I haven't even started doing M+ yet. Still just fartin' around doing Delves and world content.
    M0's have been less appealing cause they drop Veteran loot.. but I don't have to find a group to do delves… and I do so love being a hermit.

    I've just been trying to get trinkets out of Stonevault and Grim Batol when I have had energy to do M0's.

  3. I’ve yet to step into mythic+. With delve convenience it’s just hard to do. If my wife or kids need me, I can stop delving for a moment and help, then come back and carry on. Mythic+ you can’t do that.


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