Blizzard Have Threaded The Needle: This Change Is Terrific

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Good news: Blizzard are revamping how Dungeon difficulty and rewards work in World of Warcraft, and they’re doing so in a way that, so far, appears to be overwhelmingly positive.


33 thoughts on “Blizzard Have Threaded The Needle: This Change Is Terrific”

  1. Honestly they could take this even further and have the timer be an affix that kicks in at +8 f.ex. That way those who enjoy it can actually progress harder dungeon content without a timer, and the bleeding edge people still have their fun.

  2. Yeah I'm not against that, I stopped enjoying group content around when mythic dungeons got introduced and when that stupid timer gameplay style became generalized. Maybe it will make the experience a bit more chill and enjoyable again

  3. So, if Mythic+ 18s currently give mythic loot in the vault, that would mean that next season you can get mythic loot in the vault with on Tyrannical/Fortified and one affix, as the next affix doesn't come in till the equivalent of 20?

  4. I feel like they should make an iteration of follower dungeons that help teach mythic plus strategies and optimal dungeon/routing paths and even skips. So that way people could have an on-demand low stress learning environment..

  5. An objectively great change….for mythic players. However If you enjoyed the casual pace of current heroics, get bent i guess? ((inb4 the you'll out gear it comments) which would mean the change is still pointless in terms of difficulty)) Heroics still won't matter, so while the gear update is "good", it still ultimately changes nothing for the back end players, outside of simply making it "harder". Just get rid of heroic dungeons after DF, just go Normal, M, M+ and make M0 into the new queued experience. The only heroic change i would have actually cared about would be allowing cross faction queue for RDF, so i can play with my friends.

  6. And the patch didnt drop and now its backfiring on Blizzard people have gone from unsatisfying to calling Blizzard out for lying about the patch 10.2.6 release that should have been dropping on Retial WoW – Live servers today and didnt happen. I predict they will loose an huge amount of players that are streigh out bored with WoW and nothing new to do or play in the game.

  7. Good luck too all casuals at the start of war within with blues trying to complete m0. 90% of casuals will probably already quit before they can clear any m+ which is huge part of end game

  8. I absolutely agree that the trading post rewards for completion went wrong for March. The Peafowl mount should've been the reward and the pet one of the items for sale. Also? WTF with prices going up on everything? I feel like you should be able to keep earning TP currency until the end of the month or – yes – more than 1k end cap. Great idea, I do think, but the execution's gone a little downhill in the cost and arrangement. Lots of fun stuff, sure, but too expensive for the best bits and the rewards need to be consistently something really worth a month's worth of grinding/etc.

  9. If Blizz doesn't allow players to get maximum M+ gear without a timer, what's your basis for saying this will reduce toxicity? M+ is a mechanic that encourages toxicity, min-maxing, forcing people to use meta classes, etc. This is simply a different mask for the same mechanic whose sole purpose is to extend the time you pay for your subscription.

  10. 9:26 that is not gonna happen, M+ was ridiculously easy up to 12 keys, especially if your healer covered all your mistakes they did not matter.
    This wont make people better, not by a long shot, people were going up to 24 keys without knowing jack shit, this ain't gonna stop them let alone make them learn.


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