Blizzard Is Using AI to Upscale WoW Graphics

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by @BellularClips
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36 thoughts on “Blizzard Is Using AI to Upscale WoW Graphics”

  1. While there are legitimate cases of people shitting on AI for good reasons, this isn't one of them. So long as some QC work is going into this and they aren't just mindlessly updating I don't know why you wouldn't want to do this. It shouldn't be done in Classic to preserve the artstyle, but Retail needs all the help it can flipping get.

  2. I am totally ok with them using AI as long as it frees them up to make the game fun. More effort in the story, levelling, character development and endgame systems that are actually fun and you look forward to doing. Wish they'd revisit the torghast Idea and make a hundred floor solo dungeon designed to challenge the player.

  3. A.I. has become such a buzz word in media that people think anything they dont understand is due to advancements in the ai tech when its just people are learning how to use it better than 10 years ago.

  4. Looking at the upscaled pictures feels like I'm looking at a mix of old and new textures. And that makes the upscaled version look like sh*t to me. I don't think the WoW images look better with the upscaling…

  5. Ultima Online still has THE SAME "systems"/mechanics/features/etc. that any MMO that comes out today!!!!


    This is insane! I honestly thought "gaming" would be SOOOOO much farther along by now!

    When in actuality, the ONLY thing that has changed or evolved in all of gaming, is the GRAPHICS!

    shit has gotten prettier… THAT'S IT!!!

    I know I am not alone when I say, I WANT TO SEE INNOVATION!

    I can say this, I do know, that when it comes, it will slowly but surely come from the indie sector!

    or even more so, MODDERS!!! Modders are responsible for almost ALL innovation in gaming these days (in the 80's and 90's it was Indie studios)…

    look at Battle Royale, that came from… AN ARMA MOD!!!!

    Hero shooters or class shooters… well, that came from a Quake mod (Team Fortress)


    FPS for example… its either Conquest, or "rush"/frontline/offensive.

    If you're lucky a game has CTF populated

    TO THIS DAY the best Twitch Shooter out is one of the FIRST!

    a mod for Quake 2, Loki Minions Capture the Flag or LMCTF (Q2LMCTF)

    if you like FPS, check it out, thank me later! 😉🪖

    The time is coming though! give it another decade, I'll be damn near 50 but the "milsim" genre will take off (again! *cough*)

    Leading the way for innovation in all of gaming!

    Think about it… the hot new thing in gaming that is coming into the limelight these days, is CO-OP

    Cooperative games, and they are getting more and more deep and engaging….

    Coop games where COMMUNICATION and teamwork are the pillars of the experience!

    Well, what can possibly come next?! Well, instead of playing with 4 friends… Lets say you play with 4 to 8 to 9 FRIENDS (Squad, Squad 44, and Beyond The Wire, *cough*)

    yeah, 9 Friends or aquaintances, who are not only cooperating with each other, but cooperating with SEVERAL other squads of 9 players, towards one common goal! (or even many common goals, hold that thought! 😉)…

    And, as server side tech gets better and better, and bandwidth larger, what is the point of wasting valuable development time and energy, on AI?!

    When you could simply pit your 50 to even a hundred or more players, against another team of 50 or a hundred players.. OR you could even have THREE frickin' teams each with hundreds of players broken down into squads. Shit, you could even make each team unique and vastly different from the other, similar to StarCraft or or Planetside! Where your teams weaponry, classes, vehicles, features and even mechanics are drastically different from each other enemy team you are pitted against…

    And who says "who ever has the most players coraled onto this piece of land thus has possession of said piece of land"?!

    Why is THIS the default… "game mode" or… main gameplay mechanic. It's like EVERYTHING in these games is so dauntingly based around this simple fact!

    Eventually, in due time, I mean… GOD WILLING, gaming is FINALLY going to evolve for the first time in almost 30 years!

    (I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, you damn whipper snappers are off the chain these days, maybe yall smoke so much darn wacky tobacky, you fry all your brain cells, and wind up playing Fartknife and Call of Dookie into your 60's, SHIT! I can't say I'd be all that surprised really!

    But it has to happen, slowly but surely, wayyyy down the food chain, IN THE MUD BABY! modders.. humble gamers themselves, are going to bring innovation to some genre ( I think its milsims and/or tactical shooters, but that's just me), and when it happens, ALL OTHER GENRES WILL FOLLOW SUIT!

    there will come a day where FPS has the Depth of MMOs and MMOs have the immersion and detail of FPS!

    and I am not talking about Fetch Quests, or go kill this guy and bring me his head, or oh you have enough trinkets YAY, now you have the ability to collect this New Shiny set of trinkets (that's gonna take you the next several months to do) No, I am not talking about that stuff at all!… what I mean is REAL, ORGANIC, AND DYNAMIC systems that evoke and inspire the gameplay to be TRULY unique almost every time you play! where instead of the 50 of us fighting the 50 of them for 5 capture points until one team captures all 5, or the time runs out, I'm talking about nifty, creative and NEW innovative OBJECTIVES where there are SEVERAL so called missions to be had in a game (and for that matter, why does a game or match have to last an hour and a half, or 30, 20 minutes… eh, hold that thought! 😉)

    lets make a scenario to explain this, lets say, one team is Pirates, one team is Knights, and one team is Vikings.. HYPOTHETICALLY… Now, the Pirates have gold, the Knights have THE HOLY GRAIL and other shiny trinkets (OH YOU DARN KIDS LOVE THOSE DAMN TRINKETS *show skins*), and Vikings have… Oh I dunno, EARS!! enemies heads maybe! lol. ONE, just ONE of the objectives for your team, is to maybe… TAKE these said "treasures" for lack of a better word, take them from the other teams base, and bring it back to yours! Now this wouldn't be a win condition but a simple buff, or maybe even a nerf to the team you've successfully ganked said item from… Let's say I am a Crossbowman in an archer squad for the Knight's team, our calvary and infantry clash with the Vikings right out side of one of the Vikings fortresses, we've loosed our volleys of arrows and now that we risk friendly-fire, with our forces doing the ole "dirt nap dance" with the enemy, what better way to make use of ourselves than to at least attempt to storm the fortress, nabbing any and every little treasured body part of there's we can find! (or if we were attacking the Pirates it would be gold we were after of course, but you get the poinnt)… so there I am, little boogie5, scampering out of the Vikings fortress unscathed with a lot of the Vikings precious EARS! sure, the inner gaurds butchered my comrades, the vast majority of us DID NOT make it out of that fortress, but I lived! I made it, I was back over the wall, or through the hole the sappers made, and I was off to the races… GETTIN IT, I MEEEANNN GETTIN IT! slowly but surely my fellow Knights, Our infantry and Cavalry, glance up at me and notice me coming out of the hole in the wall, headed towards them, making off with the Vikings precious treasure and begin to smile, Berserkers and the like, that are engaged with my brethren, notice the smiles, look over their shoulder, and see ME just bookin' it… cuttin' loose with their sacred ear treasure! And in this moment, EVERYTHING CHANGES, in an instant! for the Vikings, the objective is no longer, protect the walls of their fortress from the ecroaching Knights attack, but now, they must chase this asshole down that just stole their precious… EARS (man, I really should've used the Pirates as the "enemy" for this scenario 🤣*shows treasure chest*) All chaos breaks out… With the Vikings mostly focused on me, they become easy pickin's for our archers, and our cavalry can easily run them down as they are no longer in a defensive posture! I make it maybe 100 yards from the wall and my stamina is quickly draining, so I pass the ears off to Sir Galavant (WHO IS ON HORSE BACK of course) and he gladly… um, gallivants off, back towards our castle. I am then swallowed by the horde of barbarians! Sir Galavant glances over his shoulder only to see just my hand reaching up out of a pile of burly men lookin' like a taz mania spin doo hicky! caput, I'm donzo, they rip me into 'little pieces of a man' *use jerky boys sample*… a most honorable death! AAAANNNDDDD I spawn back at our castle in a matter of minutes… just in time to hitch a ride on a wagon headed towards one of our outposts! THE WORD IS OUT! Sir Galavant and his trustee steed are making off with damn near ALL of the Vikings Ears, and little big toes that are made into necklaces, and the like.. ya know, TREASURE! His horse has been sprinting for almost 7 minutes now, and he's half way back to the castle! We gotta get to at least our outpost where we can assist in and complete the capture! Problem is, the Vikings got these mean ole Witch muh fuggas, only level 60 players can play as them BUT we know they are coming! these little bastards can frickin TELEPORT whole squads of men! We arrive at the furthest most outpost of ours with a trail of dust behind our wagon. I sprint up to the ladder and begin to climb up the tower to get a view (other midda viggys got damn Grappling hooks and zip right up there!) yeah, I, boogie5, am currently only level 7! I dont have a grappling hook yet right?! 🙁

  6. Its funny how upscaling the textures with AI is suddenly adding some kind of "HDR" and sometimes even glowing effects and filters to make it look better.
    Dunno about you, but for me this raises some questions… Maybe its just photoshoped with color correction and stuff just for the presentation? Maybe the final result is the same as wow ray tracing (barely noticeble in 2 places)?

  7. The game needs a lot more that a texture upscale lol. If they want to bring in all of the people from other mmo's they're gonna need to have some actual better graphics, it looks like its 40 years old nintendo graphics. I would not pay monthly to stare at these graphics honestly.

  8. Blah, blah whatever….remake the entire game in UE5 and i'll come back. There are far too many newer 'prettier' games to choose from. WoW graphics were cool back in 2005. EDIT: Classic remains classic.

  9. Maybe I’m just a hater, but nowadays it’s impossible for me to root for WoW even when they do something good like this. Wow had its time, now they are just holding on and using nostalgia as their primary selling point. They game hasn’t gotten “better” in years. Only worse and worse. Sadly I wish Wow would just die so that the internet can focus on games that won’t disappoint ALWAYS.

  10. Look. I am a gameartist / Art Lead. The only thing this is showing is that- they don't care about the "second main charakter", as much as they preach about it. AI handles this shit like an amateur would. Upscaling everything on the same level of detail doesn't make sense at all. This is pretty much an insult to fans if you ask me, because the message is that they don't care. From "second main charakter" – the world of warcraft degenerated to last random npc – and so did this company. RIP old Blizzard , and thank you to the old staff.

  11. An issue i can see with the upscales is that they tend to lose out on the grittiness the original had. Something that does feel like an recurring issue with wow's newer art-style as well with both texture and color being washed out.

  12. 0 seconds ago
    I literally cannot take a single word belular Is saying, seriously after After that absolutely insane sweet baby defense video bro what the hell happened to you???

  13. The positive with this method that I've not heard anyone mention is that it only ups the original artwork and so it stays true to form and original look (if done right). If an artist went over it by hand it'd look different, you may not like it or recognise it and so something would be lost there.

    An example. If Battlefield 3 got a remaster, I'd only want it if the game retained its original look and simply had higher Res textures, among the other technical things. They have remade a hugely popular BF3 map a few times since (Operation Metro) and I've just not liked it at all. The aesthetic was lost and it just didn't feel like Metro anymore.
    These AI upscales occupy the space of "this is how I remember it looking", as Bellular hinted at. It's an important thing to keep and something highly valuable at least to me.


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