Blizzard just revealed this.

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World of Warcraft: The War Within is coming out in Summer 2024.
We’ll see Cataclysm Classic & Season of Discovery Level 60 even earlier.
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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29 thoughts on “Blizzard just revealed this.”

  1. It's insane that people think that Asmon is not busy. They see all his videos and just assumes he does nothing but play games. He must be crazy busy doing tons of things for all the businesses he is part of.

  2. I have only 1 question.

    Who. tf. asked. for. Earthens?

    Probably same people who asked for Dracthyrs, huh?

    I really don't understand like… why? Why would you do that? Was it an evil intention? Or just seemless action?

    You literally have entire world filled with charismatic races players asked for for years. And each of this race, unlike this semicreative homunculus you call "allied races", feels canon or, at least, familiar.

    Fel Draenai, Etherials, Ogres.

    You have Klaxxi, Jinyu and Hozens (i'd prefer Hozens over Vulperas for sure).

    You have Neurbians and Nagas (it's not a big deal to come up with a way to give them legs so transmog won't be an issue, after all you managed to do that with Gay Ass Dragon People).

    And there are many more.

    God forbid you could even come up with a better concept of elemental race if you wanted it so much.

    But no. Why whould you do that, when you can add another effing recolored dwarf and call it a new expansion?

    What's next? Gonna stick another elf up in your fans' butts?

    I just can't…

  3. I’ve played wow for my entire adult life. My computer took a shit right before 10.2. I’ve played classic, hardcore, retail. My account is dope. I have a lot of tmogs. I want to playyyyy.

    Haven’t played SoD is it really that fun?

  4. blizzard just revealed you will all get farmed again for your money, Blizzard supporters are whats wrong with gaming, its surprising that asmongold still has the courage to complain as much as he does about other games when it doesn't get worse than being a big creator supporting one of the worst most damaging gaming companies to exist. Hypocrite


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