Blizzard Needs to Fix This ASAP | Shadowlands Enhancement Shaman

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Shadowlands Enhancemtn Shaman PvP. Now I still really enjoy WoW. Just wish a few things be changed. I know its hard to fix this game it will take time. I do believe this expansion WILL IN FACT get better as time goes on. As always let me know what you think down below 🙂 .

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40 thoughts on “Blizzard Needs to Fix This ASAP | Shadowlands Enhancement Shaman”

  1. But you know nerf rogues more, dont touch druids, arms, braindead paladins ret aaand prot ( why even are tanks alowed in arena) or monks
    This company at least the people in the balance section are absolutly retarded they have zero idea on whats going on they just go from forumus where garbage players cry and this is the result we are going back to bfa 50% dempening hell yea cant fucking wait

  2. I really have to ask, and I GET storing Maelstrom for healing, but every single damn Enhancement shaman I follow sits on stacked Maelstrom, rooted, complaining they can't do damage, a kill target at 5%, and they do NOT SHOOT AN INSTANT LIGHTNING BOLT. Why???

  3. bro so funny and sad at the same time xdd i feel what u feel hahah i just switch elem with the +15% damage legendaries, playing with Hpal, warrior, it is really insane (even if i would like to play enhancement more..) but feels rly more appreaciable beyond 1k9


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