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Shadowlands Enhancemtn Shaman PvP. Now I still really enjoy WoW. Just wish a few things be changed. I know its hard to fix this game it will take time. I do believe this expansion WILL IN FACT get better as time goes on. As always let me know what you think down below 🙂 .
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BFA players saving buttons for Season 2 🙁
mate as a fellow enhance main im having the most fun ive had in wow pvp for years. please stop trying to get shit nerfed leave the game as it is
Pray for the claak
1,50 you even say "do i pop wall?" while they have cds up then complain you died….
I feel like the amount of damage that goes out in pvp does match up with available health pools. Shit is ridiculous
boomies are braindead op
how can you do so low dmg mr.claak? xD
is fine if you have immunities, ahem*savix*COUGH
Time for Claak to go ele
You should play a sub or MM just to make a point to the community
But you know nerf rogues more, dont touch druids, arms, braindead paladins ret aaand prot ( why even are tanks alowed in arena) or monks
This company at least the people in the balance section are absolutly retarded they have zero idea on whats going on they just go from forumus where garbage players cry and this is the result we are going back to bfa 50% dempening hell yea cant fucking wait
Lol imagine complaining about burst and 1 shots, while playing some of the most busted meta comps
Trinket and nut all over WoWpvp 2020
When claak screams dispel me. I felt that.
feel you same with my enhance in arena i place a Totem -> GCD and in this time i get 19283712378912376172631796832 stuns and cc on me and im dead in like 2s even with Astral Shift
Its balanced, shamans sucls by design
5 ads, christ
The only person out there highlighting the true WoW experience.
Legit we have no other else skill which does damage leave us alone
What addon shows the wind sear and pain supp on the side of the name plate
I believe shaman needs a healing reduction like on stormstrike or flame shock, and they need to nerf prot pallies healing in arenas no need for a prot to out heal a healer. Imo
I don't hate the speed of it. But that does seem broken
ill toss out some hadouken's on the drood with ya LOL
“With your twitch prime donation, even YOU can help support your local claak in getting better. It’s easy to do just visit”
Shaman looks really fun to play but it just looks like it has the survivability of paper mache.. Would you recommend playing shaman currently?
Bruh just reroll
I changed to elemental cause I was having same issue I was full pvp and just getting cucked
This aint fun for real i am gettin pissed i die in 0.0001 sec as healer
The true problem with pvp is covenant skills and some OP legos,my advice to blizzard is return the pvp ilvl cap(as their did in start of bfa) and balance covenant skillz and legos doesn't working in pvp
Are you liking Turbo at all? I haven't found a huge amount of success with it so far and its pretty disappointing.
healers going from 80% to 0 in less than a sec is so funny 😀
isn´t this going to be better with more pvp gear available? not sure how much versatility you have
DISPELL ME peepoAngry monkaS
This is how it was always like,and its back and needs to stay ,stop saying it needs to be fixed dumb ass,just get better
Claak: Resto druid is the wort healer
Me crying when today raid leader told me to switch to tank when holy priest healed twice as much as me 🙁
idk how healers struggle so hard to dispel , i always get my dispels off unless it’s on cd already
I really have to ask, and I GET storing Maelstrom for healing, but every single damn Enhancement shaman I follow sits on stacked Maelstrom, rooted, complaining they can't do damage, a kill target at 5%, and they do NOT SHOOT AN INSTANT LIGHTNING BOLT. Why???
bro so funny and sad at the same time xdd i feel what u feel hahah i just switch elem with the +15% damage legendaries, playing with Hpal, warrior, it is really insane (even if i would like to play enhancement more..) but feels rly more appreaciable beyond 1k9