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So we got some really big news and finally, for the first time ever Blizzard has officially acknowledged that the Shadowlands sucked, that the Jailer was a terrible villain that helm of domination being turned into the burger king crown was a terrible idea and that they really messed up with the afterlife setting. All this info comes from the general manager of the warcraft franchise where they had outlined how Shadowlands led them to an unprecedented loss of players, what mistakes they made and how they plan to do better in the future.
Even more interestingly for the first time ever they give us some official subscriber graphs that by some calculations could be as high as 7 million active players at the moment which is a really crazy number if true and it all comes from the recent work they did on the constant updates and communications. So what did Blizzard say?
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]
Do you think this is good news? Also I'd like to thank Awesun for making this video possible: Download AweSun Remote Desktop: Get 7-Day Remote Game Trial: DORON, Only 200! Reward link: Check out the AweRay Remote Smart Power Plug: How to remote play PC games on your mobile phone:
Daneuser was too busy writing himself in as sylvanas lover to pay attention to the rest of the actual story. You can't create a story for a game when you hate the source material. Daneuser needed a wake-up call. Its Metzens show, not his Nathanos, was lame.
I wouldn't call shadowlands a disaster, it was meh at worst. what I call a disaster is the recent connection issues with the game, I've found increase server disconnects since 10.2 launch, even on classic servers, no idea why and it's not just me, people in a completely different area are experiencing the same random disconnects.
Shadowlands did to Warcraft, what The Last Jedi did to Star Wars…
1) It butchered its most iconic characters
2) Ruined the legacy of the franchise
3) Ruined years of storytelling and world building for pure pride and arrogance.
4) Made the fanbase feel unheard and direspected
5) The fan base was unjustly labeled as closeind and dumb, for not appreciating and objetively terrible storytelling
It was just the biggest middle finger the Warcraft Fanbase has see in a long time. Its a good thing they apologize for it (be it too late and homestly it feels more like the staff were told to apologiZe more than coming out pure regret). Still the intention is what it counts, however the Warcraft writing team have a real challenge now, as the fans are giving them a second chance… However the fans will more harsh and at this point if they fail, then it is game over for thwm for real this time.
Ill still give them shit for the way they killed off Saurfang, sends me into a rage every time I think about it.
shadowlands was still better then bfa and wod, yet bliz hasn't apologized for those 2 horrable stories.
After WOTLK they basically dian't care about WOW story any more. The only purpose was to release more content and get more money.:((
100% quit shadowlands lol. Got it for free buying dragon flight. Df feels way better just not very important, just need a better community.
If Blizz is Sorry for Shadowlands!!!. Allow Everyone to Fly there if they are Above 60 At Least!!!
I enjoyed Shadowlands. :p The only part that was annoying was the renowned with 4 covenants and having that renowned not be BOA/applying to all the characters. If I wanted clothy transmogs; I had to move that character and do the questlines for each armor type/character. BUT I loved Shadowlands and the 'special' things related to each covenant.
i also think because of covid a lot of stories were canned
Shadowlands had potential, but it was wasted to put it in a sum. They should have left stories, Lores. Of Shadows Lands being a Myth like build its existence and carry it along with each story to pass with each story. They shouldn't have Runied Sylvanas and Arthas in that fashion as they did.
Wow2:rise of Arthus movie.
last patch was bad, not all expansion
i dont know why but they do like to Disenchant Legends King Varian, Arthas, Garrosh and Tirion,
I feel like I'm the only one who liked Zareth Mortis. I like the whole idea of the First Ones and how they're possibly the real big bad of the cosmos and that the Light vs. Void is just a distraction. Also the zone was big and expansive and it was fun chasing rares. Reminded me of my previous Timeless Isle. They tried to do a similar thing with Zaralek Caverns but it was underwhelming, as did the Emerald Dream.
I disagree, DF story has been quite good, is it the best? No but it is far better than Shadowlands. As for the High Fantasy… The Warcraft universe has literally had external influences since the beginning. People complaining about boo hoo other planets, other realms etc… aren't part of Warcraft obviously know nothing of the lore. I can't wait to see how the World Soul Saga plays out and the lore of it. Love the WC Universe
I hope from blizzard to change the design of monsters that like was the same for many years and they look shit. Hope we get something new and more accpeted thatn these shitty bosses designes and monsters.
There were really two mains reasons why all of this happened:
1. They were afraid to tell the story. All throughout SL, you can see they wanted to say or show something, and then it just doesn't happen. Like it's about to go down, and then nope, cya in the book that you have to buy in 2 years to learn what happens, and then even in the book they continue holding back. Like they wanted to make a mystery, but players started figuring things out, and in return they kept keeping more and more lore for themselves.
2. They had one person in charge making decisions. This one is so obvious, that Danuser made all the made calls. And it's beyond me how and why he got in power, and why would you even give the reigns of the story to a guy with no previous demonstrated experience in similar things. But most of all, once he got in power – why allow one person to make the calls for everything, while it's obvious that he doesn't have the guts to tell the story, will always be a mystery to me
Reboot wow
Revendreth, Renethal and Sire Denathrius were the only good things that came out of Shadowlands.
The only thing that came out of SL was Sire Denathrius hope we see more of him and Remornia
The single biggest offense of SL was what they did with Arthas and the Lich King. They essentially baited us all and switched. Everyone was wanting and waiting for the return of Arthas, Blizzard banked on it, and they kept teasing the whole time to keep players subscribed. Then they not only don't bring him back, but destroy his story, his lore, his character, and his very soul. It is and was the stupidest, most disappointing thing I have ever seen in a franchise.
they really should have made BFA the WAR Expansion focusing more on that
After that make a Naga / Old Gods expansion
and then maybe Shadowlands..
but no, pushed stuff for 3 expansions into one, letting none of it cook long enough to be good and follow it up by a setting and storyline so all over the place (even outside of the game itself) that made people even care less..
I am glad Danuser is gone!
I am sad we don't have playable Gnolls tough 🙁
will shadowlands needs to be rewritten and fixed.
if there are also zereth lumen zereth umbra zereth vitae zereth ordos and zereth tumult.
major friendly reminder: steve danuser is not the person who set SL in motion, Asfrasabi (the previous director) had essentially laid the tracks before Danuser was able to start working on his own thing within an expansion as narrative director during DF, and we’ll see a lot of his work throughout TWW and Midnight given they were being worked on by him and his team for a while before he quit (about a year and a half or so)
Baine was made to look like and behave like an idiot sylvanas character was not consistent and the fact they thought to turn horde players against her and than have the nerve to replace her with calia than making saurfang into a beta moron they absolutely ruined the hordes story in bfa to dragonflight. At least they admit they messed up
it had suuch a fuuckin potential. the trailers were 11/10. for me it was Arrthas and look what they did to him. Fuuck Blizzard
Shadowlands was my first full expansion but imo shadowlands 9.0 was much better than dragon flight 10.0 but only went downhill from there as dragon flight was released unfinished and only improved with each update
What they did with Shadowland was such a waste of potential with Bolvar and the idea of the Lich King. The way they superdeathed Ner'zhul and Garrosh(though his death was cool and in character) was stupid. The "redemption" of Sylvanas while excecuted in a decent manner felt like an emergency exit to not let Shadowland become a total wreck, but the greatest insanity was Arthas's death … pure insanity.
Good that they are willing to admit they were wrong, though, and the recent efforts were amazing. Not perfect as seen in the wastesd characterisation of the Primalist leaders and the lack of a threat Raszageth and Fryakk felt like in the Dragon Isles itself, but still