Blizzard Removes The Most INSANE Farm!

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41 thoughts on “Blizzard Removes The Most INSANE Farm!”

  1. I wonder if Fist MH + Trash Blade is not better ? so many WF proc chances ( MH + Trashblade + WF procs + 3set plate set for warriors + if your arms 5% proc in talents) INSANE no ? or is the dps of the OH > Trashblade…… mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  2. If insane nolifers want to farm a 2% drop on a level 60 world boss with adds that requires teamwork, then who really cares. I guess it's annoying for those doing the Crimson Courier quest to have your quest mob getting farmed. But honestly it's a terrible farm, especially considering it needs an organised 5 man group minimum.

  3. What a silly decision to do, when you are level capped, the fun part is pushing past the cap and trying to do the content you can, even if the level difference is vastly against you. People did that already in phase one, even if the imposed profession level limitations didn't leave much room for it. People ran SM during classic beta lvl 30 cap, too. People farmed way above their level during the hc all stars tournament, too.

  4. Who cares about having your logs banned? Parses are a plague on the game already anyways and it just creates a split between players. I bet you those people don’t even care about their logs lmaooo

  5. I don't know why so many people get bent out of shape when Blizz messes with and tweaks things in SOD. Given, some of the things Blizz have been doing are sus, but it's all experimental. Did those people that are bent forget this?

  6. This kind of stuff doesnt matter AT ALL. how about fixing the glaringly massive problems with sod that are significantly more consequential… addressing this is almost insulting because i dont see them doing anything to address the real problems.

  7. Blizz devs talked big on how SoD was supposed to preserve the spirit of vanilla by being “about the world”. So far every tweak in SoD seems to be about limiting the world so you can’t go too far out of bounds of whatever task blizz wants you to do for SoD.

  8. This change makes no sense. The enchant is in the game. The ability to get the mats are the in game. It's fun for those who want to try. This is just fun killing. Also speedrun guilds don't care about parsing. Are their logs canceled for times as well?

  9. As much fun that recollecting the loot from monsters is nice but doing it for 20 minutes of repeating is annoying to me and we all got things to do that can be better on our minds.

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