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Blizzard revealed what’s new in Season of Discovery: WoW Classic.
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Why people make fun of mages healing? It make sense they can use magic to heal, why not?
they just riped off ascension wow x)
so they just copied ascension wows armor enchanting mechanics really original blizzard way to copy paste
I love him talking shit how easy classic is and his viewers saying true when his ass was willing for 10 hours in Mc a week and again when bwl came out lmfao.
So is kinda like RuneScape leagues 👀
just stolen from classless wow private server lol
as someone who had never played WoW i am hyped my self and actually want to try out game….
After Classic and Hardcore, I was hoping SOD had graphical improvements, like playing the original with todays graphics would've been cool.
They copied Ascension Wow… xD
Only took a wow dev to look at private server project ascension to fix wow…seems that way anyway
Caverns of time existed since Vanilla, asmon noob
Ancsension WOW)))
There is a toxicness that spread throughout wow, and back into the classic servers a bit. Min/max, parse, gdkps, bis list, and some addons. season of discovery seems to be trying to negate those. get back to the roots of the game, explorations, world pvp and fun dungeons/raids.
looks like a private server lol
So this isnt Classic anymore
Mccollen is BIG BIG DCK riding this update, trying to get asmon back
Dude you were on the mic with sounds like he was just hyper-exciting himself to try to get you on board as well.
I’m still skeptical of SoD. They didn’t add enough to warrant the time.
Im glad i quited ✌
You think you want a permanent server, but you don't. Classic WoW is best served fresh.
Not going to lie, Project Ascension is the upgraded version of SoD. But it do be a private server
Partially they took those ideas from Ascension WoW, that rune system was implemented there first… (and it is awesome!)
You know this is quite simple for modders. It surprises me that it took Blizzard years to make content like this happen. If modders can do it, so can they. It's just that they didn't know when or how much players wanted it.
Will these features be available 2-4 years from now?
I see so many issues with blizzard. There's too many wow servers, and modes. Got retail, classic, hardcore, wrath, now season of discovery. This in a sense splits the community making it smaller.