Blizzard's Plan To MAKE UP For Shadowlands! – Is DRAGONFLIGHT Better Already?!

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What is Blizzard’s plans to not repeat the same mistakes of the Shadowlands?
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

Naturally a lot of people are worried whether Shadowlands really is going to be any better than Shadowlands storywise because Shadowlands really flopped and it was quite negatively received, the Jailer especially.

However despite no fully giving us a plan Blizzard did address some changes and how they plan to make up for the Shadowlands. From putting the cosmological shenanigans into the background, to returning to Azeroth and returning to old tried and tested villains such as the old gods as opposed to making up universe destroying threats such as the Jailer. However there are also some negative things that Blizzard doesn’t really want to address.

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


28 thoughts on “Blizzard's Plan To MAKE UP For Shadowlands! – Is DRAGONFLIGHT Better Already?!”

  1. let's be honest here, Blizz with their current writer is not gonna give you a good and satisfactory story. As many had said, in case of emergency break glass for old gods/Arthas/Illidan/Titans/Sargeras/Gul'dan etc.

    There are many beloved WoW characters, but whenever they are in trouble, they just bring those guys back.

  2. I like the old god dragon feel vs all this other crap the storyline hasn't felt good since legion but I'm happy to just be on azeroth n they making things a bit more simple if they fuck this up there really is no hope but I'm loving solo q and the gearing they finally getting things right again

  3. World of Warcraft seriously begin to be too old for his own good.
    The devs did make a great job to maintain a game for 18 years but at one point. The story just go nowhere because all the BBEG or their cosmological side are dead/shut down and everything is rainbow and sunshine.
    But on the other hand, can they just decide to go World of Warcraft 2, with everything we, players, unlocked in game, the heroes we met and like,… everything we will lose ?

    There is only one game that I play and that the devs willingly create a new game : Guild Wars – Guild Wars 2. That was a breath of fresh air and many things helped to make the transition easier :
    – The "Pantheon of achievements" : depending on what you achieve in GW, you are able to get some goodies in GW2.
    – The game wasn't an open world at all. you exit a camp/town with your group and it's only you out there.
    – Except for the Pantheon, there wasn't many collectable. No transmog back in the day or mount too. GW2 do have a transmog system and with the dyes, it's splendid.
    – Overall upgrade in graphism, gameplay,…
    – Finally others race to play with. Except for the Human and the Norn (aka friendly Vrykuls), the others races are a minimum original : Sylvari -> humanoid plant (leaves as hair, bark as a skin,…) Asura -> former caves inhabitant going surface and very smart, Charrs -> imagine gnolls with more feline traits, bulky and smart enough to create gunpowder, factories and even TANKS !

    And everything with a time skip of 200 years with a planet largely undiscovered, except for the 2-3 continent we know. That last point is the best for me : Blizzard made a HUGE mistake in Wrath of the Lich King : the dungeon with Loken in Ulduar, there is a world map in a room with only the three continent… ok ok, The Dragon Isles + Pandaria were hidden by magic, but what about the Broken isles, Kul'Thiras and Zandalar !? We can't respect giant, wise, powerful godlike being or their servants if they all can't draw a complete map of the world they are keeping safe. It's just stupid.
    Now, GW2 just finish the "Dragon arc", the main villain we knew from the beginning are gone. An original adventure is brewing, I'm sure of that.

    Do WOW need a hard reset ? Yup. What kind ? I think a Cataclysm reset of nearly all the zone would be perfect. Except for the Shadowlands and Draenor, a good timeskip should do the trick, but with some unfinished business we, heroes, never deal with : political turmoil (son of Moira), a covenant with the Defias and a rocky de-escalation, Alteraci uprising, Ahn'Qiraj + Sargeras blade cleaning, Ashenvale restoration, Pandaren outpost scatter around, life taking back the Broken Shores,…

  4. They need to start having a second bad guy to these expansions so we can have more raids and have more things to do instead of 3 raids and that's it. I feel that's so lame. I feel the more expansions they have the less raids / content

  5. I'm kind of curious about that those stone creatures in Dragonflight CGI intro cinematic and in Ulduman dungeon there is lot of Greek Myth looking characters, does that mean Azeroth is like a Secondary planet for Greek culture? It would been interesting we would found out the Titans actually Zeus, Hades (Sargeras), Hera etc. and we as the players are Herules. I would smile a lot if this would be the case.

  6. The problem with WOW moving forward is – How will Blizz reestablish any agency for the story at hand, and esp characters that face death/destruction? We already know no mortal fears death as we run the Shadowlands, we can come and go as we please, there is no actual death or importance to death for mortals. Let that sink in…

    How then, is anyone really worried about any threats we might face now or in the future, unless they come up with a way to make what we do count? And that's a very tall order. I suppose that is what they might be going for with the infinite dragon flight, now if we beat them… we will really be unhinged and without any true consequences.

  7. The number of invasions makes sense. Take into account the number of cosmological forces. There are 6 overarching cosmic forces. Each have their own agenda.

    Say all 6 find Azeroth. The planet is going to get bombarded. In a universe where their is activity and plenty of populations with sentience – there is a good chance warfare is going to be constant. No one is going to wait for people of Azeroth to be ready to face a fight.

    In all likelihood, they're going to smell blood and kill the beasts while they're wounded. Even if they didn't notice that we were weakened and exhausted from war – it makes no difference. Let's say the cosmic force of Death and the Cosmic force of Disorder both get the idea to invade Azeroth. One sets out before the other, but not long after one another.

    Neither Disorder nor Death knew the other would find Azeroth and neither necessarily knew that force would get involved. Maybe then did. Either way, they're not going to wait for the other to launch their attack, and they're not going to care who just launched an attack. They're just going to attack and if you're world sucks (Azeroth) and it's divided and weak, oh well.

    In reality, the universe is a cruel place. The burning legion wiped out countless civilizations. They didn't get a 'realisitic' time frame to recover. They were bombared. Relentlessly.

  8. The Centaur bit annoys me as well, mostly cause its an easy fix. Either they're a lost tribe that found their way on to the shores while it slept or and I can't remember where I read it (fan idea) but they're the 'evolved' form of Magnataur, like Night Elves are to Trolls. Dennuser gives off the vibe he doesn't read the previous lore. I want Shadowlands to be a one off, but we'll have to wait and see

  9. The problem is when fans accept the devs shafting one character or group but not another. For example, some people get leery when Blizzard decides to blacken the Titans' name, but those same fans cheer and lap it up when Blizzard decides to blacken the Naaru's name.


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