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Are you thinking about playing a Blood Death Knight in raids and mythic plus for Season 1 of World of Warcraft Shadowlands? In this video I will go over everything you need to know in order to quickly become familiar with the Blood DK spec so that you can jump into raids and dungeons quickly. I plan to have more in depth guides for the Blood Death Knight in the future. Timestamps for various categories can be found below.
0:00 Intro
0:07 Raid Covenant
0:22 Mythic Plus Covenant
0:44 Covenant Choice
0:55 Conduits
1:31 Raid Talents
2:51 Mythic Plus Talents
4:01 Legendaries
4:22 Stat Weights
4:49 Item Enhancements
5:21 Consumables
5:59 Rotation Priorities
6:17 Single Target Rotation
7:27 Multiple Target Rotation
8:16 Cooldown Usage
9:59 Outro
Jakinto’s Blood Death Knight Coaching:
Outro music: Ethereal by ALBON
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Why would you rune tap if you are using DRW in the opener? Its such a waste of RP. You should just DRW into Marrowrend x2 and then do your HS and BB spam. Using Rune Tap for RP generation is bad, even more if you use it during your DRW window (where you should get as much RP/rune as possible).
The only possible scenario where you would like to enter a fight with Rune Tap up, is where you know the first hit might one shot you (Orgozoa, from Eternal Palace, for example). But thats it…. Rune tap is almost always to smooth some extreme damage, never to use it as an Active Mitigation, since its RP/rune generation is really bad compared to HS.
Another thing in this vid. You should always have DnD up on 3+ targets, since your heartstrike will cleave up to 5 targets inside of it. Theres no reason to not use DnD on 3+ targets, even if its not a "free rp" DnD proc.
I found the NaM guy
A guide such as you might wish. Direct to the point. Without bla bla. Amazing work. Keep it!
Love the video!!! Just a minor critique man to help us noobs. Had to watch it several times because u were speaking so quick. Just shows your motivation and knowledge. Just slow it down a bit, to make it easier to follow.
Fantastic video. More please.
I'm determined to make Blood DK the monster tank I know it is. I used to love tanking in Wrath with my DK. A lot has changed since then, but it's still awesome.
Keep this up man this is perfect
Yeah… this is bad information for people who want to raid. This nonsense might work in a 5 man but you try this in heroic and your healers will tell at you for being squishy. My guild is 8/10 heroic and I've been tanking 16 years now. From my experience your damage in the raid means nearly nothing. You need to not be dead and make the healer look at you as little as possible. Need to flag this as a dungeon guide.
why are you screaming at me? 🙁
You are one of the only people I well listen too about bdk.. I'm curious if you have combined tombstone and the crimson rune weapon legendary. 15 seconds off the cd of drw everytime you press tombstone and consume 5 stacks of shield.
I just feel so much tankier with this build it's nuts
Great video bro! To the point and no filler like other class guides
why are u looted as unholy, i dont know if i want to play blood dk or unholy :S love your guide. Much love from Sweden
can u pls tell me which weapon rune u prefer?
Thank you short and straight to the point.
LOL this vid was Rapid fire thank you so much for a quick information vid.
Ok….I'm trying out Blood DK. Would you choose Blood Drinker to stay alive? ( I don't raid, just mostly bg's). Or just do the build you recommend? I just want to make sure i try to play correctly and not die….as much….because that sucks. LOL Thanks!
Great guide. One question…why dont you blink?
I have been told that Blood DK tank isn't viable for M+ by my GM, can you tell me why he might have said that ? You're videos show me they are viable I think
I cannot get my head around that nobody picks Foul Bulwark – the design of blood DK is having as much HP as possible cause you have no passive damage mitigation like other tanks – so you should be able to sustain as much damage as possible to heal as much as possible that means having as much HEALTH will benefit you greatly cause your Death Strikes, worms or voracious will heal most of the damage you will be dealt.
Great information! I want to start a dk and I am playing horde. Would tauren be the go to for blood or does it not matter too much? Thanks 🙂
Is Blood DK a beginner friendly tank spec? I won’t be pushing super high keys.
Excellent video that had all the info I needed without a bunch of padding and fluff. Thank you for your hard work!
Thank you so much!
Usefull and quick
Keep 2 runes for charging not 3 or else how would u HT for DT? Have u even played blood m8 ever?
yeahhhh when i read quick start i was assuming i could watch this as a new player and within a solid 9 seconds i realized this was most definitely not the case so i now shall move onto different videos
I just started a DK alt, this was straight to the point. You get a sub.
Just started leveling my DK and this was very helpful. Went Necrolord because Abomination limb sounded and looked amazing (both in terms of what it does and animation) but now I am considering switching to Venthyr, That dodge chance looks sweet, and vampire does rather fit the motif of a blood dk I think. Also as nice as Fleshcraft is, I don't think I want to purposefully stop myself to cast every 2 min when I am already so incredibly immobile and slow the entire group down. Why I refuse to have gathering professions on my tanks so as to not be tempted to grab while in a dungeon.
I want your UI
Excellent video! Thanks a lot, it will help me to learn how to tank with Blood DK! 🙂
Thank you so much <3 this guide was exactly what i needed
Night Fae still one of the most undervalued covenants for DKs – that % Strength gain from Deaths Due is extremely valueable as the expansion progresses, not to mention taking less damage while inside it, Heart Strike hitting more targets (and with the talents this means more runing power), so dealing more damage. Not to mention DKs are the slowest tank and have trouble kiting – soulshape is the equalizer, plus you regen health while kiting, too.
Another thing I think should be mentioned is how useful Phearomones Legendary is – 10% haste alone makes it worth it, combined with Anima Field Emitter you can forego prioritzing haste. And of course the fact that it mass fears, and thus interrupts and reduces incoming damage, in mythics.
Finally, crit is a lot more usefull than coming last on the stat priority as it adds parry – having 20+% parry chance means 1 in 5 melee attacks will do no damage at all.
Hi Jakinto i have a question on how do you manage necrotic weeks as tank dk?
How many stack of debuff you wait before start kiting ? Do you have any advice i know i need to use DND but i think there something i have miss.
homeboy, blink
Hello, i have a question about the legendary of the Crimson rune weapon, shouldnt that one be really good?
Great guide tyty
I'm too dumb to follow this