Blood DK Legendary Powers Explained – Shadowlands Patch 9.0.2

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Are you unsure what legendary power is the best for the Blood Death Knight and why? In this video, I go over all of the legendaries that the Blood DK is able to …


6 thoughts on “Blood DK Legendary Powers Explained – Shadowlands Patch 9.0.2”

  1. for superstrain do i have to craft with versa/crit or versa/haste. Although i know blood dk's primary stats are haste and versa internet says it would be more beneficial to craft versa/crit but i ve seen you crafted it with versa/haste i wanted to ask, ur judge is important for me

  2. Thanks for the legendary guide! I was wondering if you have tested the interaction between superstrain and rapid decomposition? I haven't gotten enough ash to craft the legendary yet, but was wondering if it works to make the other 2 dots tick faster as well to increase our damage output, which seems to be on the lower side. I understand it probably wouldn't be worth it in most situations to give up the extra damage/healing of hemostasis, but was just curious to see if it works.


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