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Welcome back to MarcelianOnline! Today, we’re looking at the long awaited Blood DK rework in the War Within beta and yes, at this point, blood death knight is the best tank so far with lots of amazing changes to both spec and class talents!
Generally, war within dk hero talents were good from the get go but when looking specifically at the blood dk hero talents, deathbringer brings really cool visuals but what makes more sense and makes the spec play smooth is san’layn blood dk!
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Blood has always been my favorite tank spec… I guess that makes sense coming from a longtime healer 😅
I would be cautious about calling it best, blood always looks as best tank before expansion and then reality hits and hits bottom of barrel until it gets buffed every week.
Blizzard is struggling on shaman and rogue rework. They need new devs.
On the topic of Rune Tap, It is a great set of training wheels. RT helped me years ago get a feel for tanking with BDK. Smoothing out dmg intake is great for a 1st time BDK.
Ima so play a Eathern Dwarf Blood Dk named Grasputin with that dance 😀
Blood dk sanlayn main 4 sure
i wont say the best tank, but we get what like 4 points? plus bonetorm is a must have, DRW will have a Big uptime because the Bonestorm now use Bone charges instead
DONOT keep bloodbeast like that! Do not listen to that attractive man! Summon a vampire= san’layn instead!!!!
Blood sometimes has a little too much going on at times but it makes it the most fun tank. I want to play other tanks like Pally but I just get bored after a while cause you just spam abilities without much thought. I like the whole gameplay loop with the bone shield charges.
Consumption might be the most interesting mechanic
Not to be negative, but I feel like every expansion we are told Blizzard is listening. Never works out for us.
Bruh i am so torn. Should i play blood, unholy or frost? All of them? Basicly everything looks not only fun to play, but very strong too…
I love everything about the reworked Dk's, the Specs the hero talents, well aside from the S1 Set design, everything…
I would love just delete abom limb and have gorefiend grasp with silence that would push idea of useful DK even further
The talent trees for DPS are just a matter of choosing between single target or aoe dps.. hero talents are just more passive modifiers that force you into a class theme in the case of blood elf phoenix fire mages for example. What if you’re a gnome fire mage? Feels off.
They should have gone back and fixed all the cumbersome class mechanics, improving what they already have instead of adding even MORE complications. 😴
You had me at consumption being good again
I won't be happy with DK until they change D&D and make it move with you. Then I'll believe you when you say the Devs are listening.
Prot Pally vid next please 🥺🙏🏼
I started tanking and playing melee for the first time in dragon flight, looking forward to deathknight for the start on tww
Love your channel dudes, always quality content.
only thing still missing is more mobility like unholy gets with rider
I played the whole S3 with BDK. I ended in ctf Gear (489)
I started to play Outlaw rogue in S4, but after i saw the Heroic Talents for Rogue, im so disappointed.
And now this rework… welcome back BDK in TWW ❤❤❤
Very nice rework
How amazing do you want to make DK? Blizzard: Yes!
my problem with retail – too much flashy shit on screen too much visual clutter everything exploding left and right shittons of numbers nothing makes sense
It feels like frost will be the main loser here cause San seems like the way to go due to the haste. Deathbringer looks fun but joining a group as a blood deathbringer I feel will be looked down upon cause you will lack the haste and group support.
I do feel like you guys are overusing and misusing the word rework. When i hear that i think the spec's mechanics and core gameplay have changed entirely.
If the dh continues to be like now, the blood dk, even if it has this rework, will be behind
as a warlock player its sad to see reworks of reworked talent trees while other specs still have old ones. hope thats changing soon.
Will vengance DH still be overpowered when it comes to control?
Didnt expect changes would be that good, wana try asap, hope DK is good
a couple of changes to Blood to make it feel better to play:
– Marrowrend gets 15m range and AoE damage around the target (like Keg Smash)
– Heart Strike hits every target in front of you (like Revenge) and applies Blood Plague
– Blood Boil gets removed and Heart Strike inherits its talent interactions (like Hemostasis)
– Cleaving Strikes gets deleted together with every "while standing in D&D" talent (good riddance…)
– new Talent that give RP per BS charge consumed (lowering your dependency on Haste)
– shift about 50% of DS healing from "x%damage taken" to "x%AP" (making you care more about Strength)
– implement some form of "x% of phys damage taken as heal absorb" (like Stagger) to make your HP jump around less
Except if you go to the DK class discord apparently this rework is terrible and multiple people are considering quitting because the devs don't know what they're doing etc etc. Class discords are a mistake
I really enjoyed BKH in season 1, it felt like the only tank that I could lay back and chill with due to how self sustained it was and how some of its abilities could just nullify one shot boss mechanics. I just really like the feeling of being a hero storming through a dungeon, with 4 faithful allies trailing me. This certainly looks like the fun times are back, so I may consider this class to begin with.