Blood DKs when they realize they’re no longer the best tanks #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #shorts

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Blood DKs when they realize they’re no longer the best tanks #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #thewarwithin #warwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gaming #shorts


27 thoughts on “Blood DKs when they realize they’re no longer the best tanks #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #shorts”

  1. Bdk has been fun but i’ve just enjoyed protwarr this expac more. Which is sad cause i love my unholy dk too. But hey i have multiple classes for that reason. I enjoyed havoc dh more last expac so i think this is fair.

  2. Ehmm since when dps makes a tabk better than other tanks???

    I mean if you're mitigation is poor ….you take a lot of damage …maybe just 5% extra making healers life slightly more difficult…..if you take less damage you make their life easier…..
    Dps is irrelevant…..if a tank deals more damage overall …than dps class ( nowadays speaking) … What's the point of a dps class….just do a raid with only DK's

    I fucking soloed Guldan with a freaking DH ….and i was done with that BS expansion…job done let's go home to Vanilla

  3. You’d be surprised how fast people drop whatever they’re playing for whatever’s “the best” each patch. It’s quite pathetic, and has to be exhausting and soulless. They MUST like it. Or like having a catalogue of toons they can switch out and/or be constantly haunted by what to actually main.

  4. Who the fuck cares about a tanks dmg? The HPS is almost double that of the warriors lol. I may hit like a wet noodle, but aggro is so scruffed that it doesn't matter, but man I'll have to never worry about dropping below half health.


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