This was seriously deep coming from Darion. Let's take a moment to remember that he's still technically a teenager himself (he was about 18 years old when he died) and he sacrificed himself with an act of true love to his Dad. Then he spends the next few years as a soulless knight fighting against everything he loved. I'm so sad we got moments between Draka and Thrall but not Darion and Alexandros. Poor guy needs a hug.
Cool to see that the Death Knights still have a purpose, one could easily become a future plot point in the future. It would be cool to see what the Demon Hunters are doing since the Legion was defeated.
so the next patch is going to be us helping Azeroth gain some control against the Scourge? and this mean we will fight many strong scourge opponents that want to be next king… interesting… still i wish some of the Shadow Land races would be come playable so it would make sense if they join us to calm the scourge situation though i don't know if they can cross into the world of the living… i wonder..
"there must always be a lich king" the crown has been detroyed for 2 years now, and the undead haven't done anything yet ? not much of a threat is it then ? undead are linked to the lich king, and can "feel" what's happening, so they should've started to rampage as soon as the crown was destroyed. Zovaal's death wasn't the reason the UD only moves now, because if he had control over them, and he would've use them to rampage all the same.
Telia needs her father? Were talking about a supernatural threat that's almost conquered the world here. We need all hands on deck. Especially from the guy who used to be the damn lich king.
Why didn't bolvar commanded the scourge to go to a volcano and jump into the lava if they were such a terrible threat, or comand them to exterminate each other after legion
This might be my favorite dialog from Shadowlands ending… Kinda brings possibility of revisiting the Icecrown Citadel in future if some Scourge warlords will be able to occupy it. Also the ICC is build from Yogg-Saron's blood, so it might bring some void forces, or basically anyone who might go insane while near/inside the Citadel. I know they always keep saying "There must always be a Lich King", but without him, it brings more simple problems with scourge attacking old zones and room for Bliizzard to remake them.
Even though I like the conversation here, it does not sit well with me the fact that we are just brushing off the fact that Bolvar was pretty sketchy during Legion, examples of this being the whole Tirion and Red Dragons situation. More considering that Darion tells you at the beginning that the Ebon Blade doesn't really trust the LK, but for the sake of protecting Azeroth from the legion, they're willing to work together for some time, but as soon SL trailer dropped they rushed to his side and command.
So many conflicted feelings about the missing nuance of that relationship.
I wonder if the "warlords" he's referring to as any of the four horsemen that possibly went rogue?? I haven't seen them in the storyline for sometime, ijs would make for a good storyline with DK's
The whole scourge after WotLK thing made little sense. Why will Azeroth never be free of the scourge? No one can resurrect undead anymore, als the Valkyr are gone. The abomination facilities have, hopefully, been destroyed 10-15 years ago during the North tend campaign, or by Bolivar in the years since. What, exactly, is keeping the dead alive, and why will they persist in the future? This whole shit shouldn't be in issue anymore, and it's never explained beyond "because I said so".
Also, this Talia/Bolivar story makes jack shit sense.
Are you serious…? Darion, the same guy that was all onboard for stealing Tirions body just so we can fight the Legion is all like oh no Bolvar, you don't have to help us. Go spend time with your daughter. YOU ARE A DAMN DEATH KNIGHT. EVEN LITERALLY DAMNED BY UNDEATH. KILLING MACHINES RAISED BY THE LICH KING TO WAGE WAR AND NOW LATER BASICALLY AZEROTHS SHOCK TROOPERS WILLING TO DO ANYTHING FOR VICTORY. INCLUDING KILLING PALADINS JUST SO THEY CAN CREATE A LIVING WEAPON.
But nha bro, scourge is not that important. You chill back at home and have tea-parties with Talia.
The golden one (ARBITER) claims (CROWN OF WILL) the vacant throne. From recent events in lore, this is a new perspective to look at things, if we are still moving at the cosmic level wave.
So how Death Knights still a thing without the power of the Lich King? I would think without the Helm of Domination, they would not be able to hold their own power, since it took the power of the Helm to give them life.
Thanks to Barator for letting me know I missed this one
9.2 Judgment Epilogue Dialogue :
Sylvanas' Judgment Cutscenes :
9.2.5 Bolvar and Taelia Fordragon Dialogue :
9.2.5 Jaina Proudmoore & Khadgar Dialogue:
This was seriously deep coming from Darion. Let's take a moment to remember that he's still technically a teenager himself (he was about 18 years old when he died) and he sacrificed himself with an act of true love to his Dad. Then he spends the next few years as a soulless knight fighting against everything he loved. I'm so sad we got moments between Draka and Thrall but not Darion and Alexandros. Poor guy needs a hug.
thats great and all i understand family is everything kumbaya and stuff but fuk taelia and her bratty sass
Looks like my time has come to claim the Icecrown Citadel, sit in the throne of The Lich King and lead The Scourge to victory over Azeroth!
Cool to see that the Death Knights still have a purpose, one could easily become a future plot point in the future. It would be cool to see what the Demon Hunters are doing since the Legion was defeated.
I have a feeling that some years later somepody tries to make a new lich king and disregard the line "Never again will a lich king reign in icecrown".
Strange that the devs are willing to keep scourge around but dwcimate the LK forever.
I wonder how Bolvar will handle being at the family bbqs now.
so the next patch is going to be us helping Azeroth gain some control against the Scourge? and this mean we will fight many strong scourge opponents that want to be next king… interesting…
still i wish some of the Shadow Land races would be come playable so it would make sense if they join us to calm the scourge situation though i don't know if they can cross into the world of the living… i wonder..
The Scourge? They have no way to renew themselves now that the Lich King is gone. Who is raising more Scourge?
Suffer Well.
You know all of this end game dialogue is actually much for interesting than everything else we’ve gotten in the expansion!
"there must always be a lich king" the crown has been detroyed for 2 years now, and the undead haven't done anything yet ? not much of a threat is it then ? undead are linked to the lich king, and can "feel" what's happening, so they should've started to rampage as soon as the crown was destroyed. Zovaal's death wasn't the reason the UD only moves now, because if he had control over them, and he would've use them to rampage all the same.
Telia needs her father? Were talking about a supernatural threat that's almost conquered the world here. We need all hands on deck. Especially from the guy who used to be the damn lich king.
I will be the Jailer of the Damned, also so I can finally end this unemployment I have.
Why didn't bolvar commanded the scourge to go to a volcano and jump into the lava if they were such a terrible threat, or comand them to exterminate each other after legion
"There must always be…a lich king"
This might be my favorite dialog from Shadowlands ending…
Kinda brings possibility of revisiting the Icecrown Citadel in future if some Scourge warlords will be able to occupy it. Also the ICC is build from Yogg-Saron's blood, so it might bring some void forces, or basically anyone who might go insane while near/inside the Citadel.
I know they always keep saying "There must always be a Lich King", but without him, it brings more simple problems with scourge attacking old zones and room for Bliizzard to remake them.
Even though I like the conversation here, it does not sit well with me the fact that we are just brushing off the fact that Bolvar was pretty sketchy during Legion, examples of this being the whole Tirion and Red Dragons situation. More considering that Darion tells you at the beginning that the Ebon Blade doesn't really trust the LK, but for the sake of protecting Azeroth from the legion, they're willing to work together for some time, but as soon SL trailer dropped they rushed to his side and command.
So many conflicted feelings about the missing nuance of that relationship.
I wonder if the "warlords" he's referring to as any of the four horsemen that possibly went rogue?? I haven't seen them in the storyline for sometime, ijs would make for a good storyline with DK's
The whole scourge after WotLK thing made little sense. Why will Azeroth never be free of the scourge? No one can resurrect undead anymore, als the Valkyr are gone. The abomination facilities have, hopefully, been destroyed 10-15 years ago during the North tend campaign, or by Bolivar in the years since. What, exactly, is keeping the dead alive, and why will they persist in the future? This whole shit shouldn't be in issue anymore, and it's never explained beyond "because I said so".
Also, this Talia/Bolivar story makes jack shit sense.
Scurge Civil War, let it happen as a TTRPG Warcraft 4 :p
Love Darion and Bolvar bromance
Scourge expansion? That would be cool. We go back to Northrend and it’s littered with Scourge.
Darion voice always reminds me of ICC days. I thought they changed his Voice actor?
Are you serious…? Darion, the same guy that was all onboard for stealing Tirions body just so we can fight the Legion is all like oh no Bolvar, you don't have to help us. Go spend time with your daughter. YOU ARE A DAMN DEATH KNIGHT. EVEN LITERALLY DAMNED BY UNDEATH. KILLING MACHINES RAISED BY THE LICH KING TO WAGE WAR AND NOW LATER BASICALLY AZEROTHS SHOCK TROOPERS WILLING TO DO ANYTHING FOR VICTORY. INCLUDING KILLING PALADINS JUST SO THEY CAN CREATE A LIVING WEAPON.
But nha bro, scourge is not that important. You chill back at home and have tea-parties with Talia.
The golden one (ARBITER) claims (CROWN OF WILL) the vacant throne. From recent events in lore, this is a new perspective to look at things, if we are still moving at the cosmic level wave.
I freaking love Darion Morgraine
So how Death Knights still a thing without the power of the Lich King? I would think without the Helm of Domination, they would not be able to hold their own power, since it took the power of the Helm to give them life.
Literally the best dialogue in Shadowlands.